Chapter 7 part 6 Yuri vs Zeus

Horas and I had just left the crypt and were now heading out towards Isis chamber when I asked "If Ra is the bad guy why are we reviving more immortals?"

Horas replied "If we fail to kill them and if we end up trapped in my trap they will need all the help they can get."

I sighed and said "I wonder how long it will be till we see them all again?"

Horas clenched his fist and said "That is Amun so if he said long its in thousands of years possibly even millions. There is 1 more reason why I'm resurrecting these 2. If I'm correct they know something about what's going on, from my past experience I know that Zeus and Gaia are best friends and that Isis and Ra were always together meaning she likely knows about all this and her stasis is purely a safe guard to stop her from counter acting their plans. There is also the possibility that all 4 of them are the enemy and Cronos was meant to be expelled in which case our upcoming fight will be extremely difficult."

Horas set course again altering our landing zone to spot several kilometres away from the pyramids and then he said "Ra will be coming our way soon, after all he only prevented a head to head in close quarters with me since he figured I could use a gravity well and destroy him at close range."

I then asked "So why did you change landing zones?"

Horas looked at me and said "If I can I will get you away before I launch the trap since that is what I intend to do."

I starred down Horas and said "Stop thinking about it, you and I both know that Zeus was a match for you in the fight you 2 had if it hadn't been for your power holding out you'd have lost. So I'm going down with you in this fight so give it your all."

Yuri had made her decree and stood firm holding an extremely strong pose.

I had set the ship to land where delta had once been meaning it was nearly 600 kilometres away from the tomb.

I had been working on my gravity power and could now fly once again, as we both started to get our bearing I granted Yuri full power and she started to fly.

Yuri looked at me slightly perplexed and said "I thought you couldn't fly anymore. You tested Ra to apprehend Zeus previously didn't you."

I answered with "No I couldn't fly back then the power I could control kept creating things when I attempted to fly so I finally figure all I had to create was air to fly."

Yuri gave me a stern look and said "You creating lesser powers to grant you more power aren't you?"

Yuri was shockingly astute for someone who had only just become immortal and learnt about powers it was almost as if she had been perfectly suited to the powers I had granted her.

I pondered over her as we started to fly and then I removed all mental blocks that the 2 of us had between us and our thoughts now flowed effortlessly.

I had just started flying when I noticed the rumble of lightning and instantly ignited a black creation flame towards the lightning bolt coming my way.

Ash poured from the sky as my flame totally destroyed the lightning bolt and seconds later Zeus could be seen.

Zeus stood stunned as I displayed serious intent to destroy her this time.

Yuri empowered herself with lightning as well and told me this isn't the main battle I will obliterate her now.

Yuri darted across the sky and Zeus turned tail bolting in the opposite direction, I ignited a large black flame and twisted gravity so that I appeared before Zeus instantly and had the flame pointed at her stomach.

I then said "You made the first mistake coming to fight me like this Zeus in a few short minutes my creation orb will be ready to destroy you."

Zeus nervously said "My partner is going to teach you a lesson you won't forget. Go ahead and burn me then my partner will rip this entire planet to pieces."

I had no intention of going all out and actually destroying Ra and Zeus till the evacuation was complete and that would be easy enough for me to tell since the computer kept a feed in my ear telling me that evacuations were still underway.

I put my hand down and said "You don't have to fear being evaporated all you need to do is fight Yuri over there."

I mentally told Yuri "I can't kill her all I can do is force her to rapidly reappear so I need you to blast her apart in a fight while I keep trying to reach the orbs power plus we still need to free Isis and buy time for the evacuations."

Yuri replied "This is such a bother why don't you just blast her apart?"

I replied "If I get serious the planet may shatter from the attacks I launch, and I can't dial it down that power is a bit wild and uncontrollable at the moment.

Yuri charged at Zeus and Zeus turned around kicking Yuri in the face as the hyper speed combat rendered the mind inconsequential in fighting all you needed to do was pour your desire in and your body would do the rest.

Yuri had taken several blows when she suddenly allowed her emotions to control her movements and 2 large thunder bolts burst through Zeus.

Yuri had a power limit unlike me who had infinite power so I poured my power into her making her stronger and stronger by the second.

Zeus started to power up and her crazy lightning only grew wilder as that started I barged in saying "If you opt for all out combat Yuri will oblige you and give you a taste of her multiple element attacks."

Zeus backed down and restored herself to regular power levels then she said "I have respite so long as the planet isn't destroyed so let me guess your mercy is dependent on me not destroying the planet, fine I won't kill your planet but trust me when my partner arrives you won't have the edge."

I sighed and said "Ra isn't going to surprise me his the only person who could have told you what I'm up to."

Zeus seemed to stagger and then she said "So you already knew to bad!"

The Eastern horizon suddenly turned bright as a light erupted and I braced myself for Ra to appear.

Zeus laughed and said "Well now your evacuation will be cut short as Ra will kill them all first you can expect him in a few hours."

Yuri saw her opportunity and darted into Zeus from the back and sucked all her power out then she created a fireball in her right hand and blasted it into Zeus scattering her body parts.

I looked to Yuri and said "We got a day till she is back together however Ra won't go down like that so I'm going to fight him while you complete the labyrinth. How did you siphon her power like that?"

Yuri smiled and said "I created a power draw directly into my body and funnelled it into a secondary attack. The attack only worked because she dropped her guard."

It was an impressive display of power and intelligence so I decided to try and do the exact same thing if I ever had to.

The major advantage I had was in the form of my power having no limits so it really didn't make much sense however if I ever had insufficient power I could draw it from another person to use.

In this distance we could see the stone tops of the great pyramids and I started looking at it attentively for an immortals entrance and found 1.

A large cat like statue rested at the site and beneath it was a palm reader so I smashed the sphinx to pieces and put my hand into slot.

As the chamber opened I looked to Yuri and said "Change in plans I'm just going to blast this place into oblivion."

Yuri stepped back and my black flame crashed into the complex and in a turn of utter insanity my power failed to destroy the structure.

The metal that formed the labyrinth was energy absorbent giving me a scary vibe reminding me of the red blade I had in its holster.