Chapter 7 part 7 The first puzzle

The labyrinth was odd and as we descended into it all light faded.

The darkness continued for several meters and we hit a dead end, the darkness made navigation far harder then it should have been.

I kept feeling odd patterns on the walls and then I figured out what this pattern was.

The only person who could physically build metal with this type of frequency matching capabilities was Amun, not only had he accounted for regular immortals but he also counted on my involvement.

Amun never did things haphazardly and likely this chamber was meant to house the combat between my father and I.

The wall didn't just have frequency cuts but by my estimation there likely were stories written all over the place.

Yuri let out a cry of pain as suddenly something had bitten into her ankle.

I used my new trick with creation and created a tiny red flame.

The floor beneath us was snakes, tons of poisonous deadly snakes, the orange of their scales was bright and the sudden light spurred hundreds of them to attack me biting into my ankles delivering huge doses of poison.

Yuri was dizzy from the poison pulsing through her blood while it barely effected me this was the same snake that had bite me during the attack to kill both myself and my first love.

Yuri suddenly spoke saying "Horas keep your concentration up if you drift into sentimentality I suspect we could lose a ton of time and then Ra may get his way."

Horas had lead the way into the dark chamber and it felt odd as if all power that touched the walls was pulled away, the floor likely was exactly the same with only our shoes providing the slightest disconnection.

This didn't feel like a labyrinth to me instead I felt as if this was just the tip of the ice berg hiding a far greater challenge.

The ground beneath my feat suddenly started shifting followed a heavy hit on my ankle.

The pain was unimaginable as the healing ability I relied on didn't kick in, several more heavy hit came in and suddenly I realized it must be some type of creature.

I was screaming out in pain when Horas ignited a tiny flame and dozens of snakes suddenly struck him.

I was shocked that the snakes could even touch Horas due to his shield, despite being poisoned Horas seemed to have no reaction but all of a sudden he started to ponder on his past.

Images of snakes on Hathor crossed through my mind along with a sad feeling that made me feel weak in the knees.

Horas was remembering his past and his eyes were closing, I said something in this dazzled state and Horas started to slice at the snakes with a white blade.

We had reached a dead end in the long passage and Horas sighed saying "This doesn't make sense? The riddles are ridiculous and they likely point us to the correct dead end which likely has a hidden trick to open the dead end."

The first riddle read "In the morning I crawl on all 4 like a beast, in the afternoon noon I walk upright, in evening I walk on 3 legs before crossing the barge of the sky."

The regular riddle had the answer man so this likely was the same but why was it altered.

The next dead end read "In the morning the chicken lays an egg by night the egg has laid an egg."

We found 2 other dead ends and they read "The faith of all man. The passage of the sun."

Horas seemed to ponder the answer however our mental link was extremely soft due to the poison weakening me.

We had walked about the tunnels for nearly an hour when Horas grabbed me up of my feet.

He looked at me and said "You are extremely strong so the poison is struggling to subdue you however your body is going cold since your organs are shutting down. I need you to hold on to me tightly so your body keeps warm, if I'm correct you can't here my thoughts at the moment."

I kissed Horas without knowing what I was doing and said "Sorry I'm just so confused."

Horas then said "The riddles all say the same thing, death. I've been trying to figure out what it could mean for the immortals however I already have a hint that it's meant for a mortals answer so I'm hunting for the exit in the ground, next the chicken and egg reference tells me to see the entire place within that symmetry. The last 2 clues help me find the switch to opening the next level at least that's how it seems to be implied to me."

Horas held his sword in the left had and killed snakes as they kept striking at him, the odd thing to me was that the snakes were in this labyrinth since it was sealed and these snakes were rather large and numbered in the hundreds.

I put my head next to Horas's ear and said "The snakes are a clue…, the flowing of a river."

In my head I had noticed that the snakes should not be here if they were their had to be a water way into this place.

Horas put his sword away and blasted out a fair amount of water and started following the stream of water till he came to a weird slit in the floor.

Horas sighed and looked at the ground where it clearly required a key of some sort.

It was hard to find the key with Yuri in my arms however I couldn't allow her to be bitten.

The poison was causing her extreme pain and the unusual properties of the metal around us had rendered the greatest weapon we had almost unusable.

Yuri was right about the snakes being a clue since it was impossible for snakes to enter the labyrinth since all immortal facilities including this 1 were completely sealed of to the outside world.

I scanned around and swung my sword trying my best to not get bitten, despite my best efforts I had been bitten almost 50 times.

A few steps forward and I found what I was looking for in the floor, it was a round white orb with 4 lines beneath it.

The orb indicated to me that the snakes were clearly not supposed to be here.

The bottom of the orb had 4 blades that were still razor sharp meaning that no water or air could enter or escape this chamber.

The orb was not rare or made of a super expensive material it was made of glass.

I made it back to the keyhole and placed the orb into the key hole, it wasn't easy as I held the orb with the hand under Yuri which also held the light I had made with just my index finger.

Nothing was happening and I needed to do something, I dropped the sword and tried to turn the orb but nothing happened then I tried press the orb and it gave just a little however tons of snakes now darted towards me.

I grabbed my sword stood up and tramped the orb in, the slits spread and as I dropped suddenly it was bright.