Chapter 8 part 3 Hearts truth

Horas flew down towards me and electricity surged all over the place.

Horas had done something extremely dangerous and compressed his power to make it overly high output then he struck his target and released the compression forcing the power to explode.

Although the explanation was fast it took a considerable amount of time to gather and compressed power and from what I could tell the attack had a massively reduced range.

The attack surging the air would help Zeus reform in a matter of minutes meaning Horas was preparing yet another attack.

Zeus had used a weird attack, from what I could sense it erased the world around it making it the perfect counter to creation type attacks.

Judging by the body outside of the labyrinth I could tell that we had been in the labyrinth for just over a day.

The sky suddenly grew brighter as if the sun had descended on us and I barely had the chance to look on my mother.

I looked down to avoid the light and that's when I noticed the defiled body next to where the labyrinth was.

My blood felt like it would boil over and then I noticed the face it was Cleopatra , my Cleopatra.

My anger flared like a red hot flame my power responded and all around me the earth went flat as everything started to evaporate.

The light above me faded in an instant and the lightning condensed as Zeus reformed rapidly, I had no intention of holding back any further I opened my palms towards Zeus and Ra and said "Burn bastards!"

The flames were black and hyper condensed so much so that if the flame hit the sun the entire ball of gas would evaporate.

The 2 beams struck towards Ra and Zeus and I had no intention of killing them I wanted to make them suffer.

The flame burst over the 2 individuals and they dropped to the ground, I looked down on the 2 and in a deep stern voice I spoke saying "You dare harm a hair on the head of 1 I love and I will obliterate you however when you defile them I will… ugh!"

I rushed towards Ra and Zeus with a punch darting towards Zeus's head, her head shot of bouncing on the ground followed by me punching her body apart all the while Ra hit me all out trying to defend Zeus.

I grabbed his fist and squashed it and said "You were meant to be my father how dare you support my enemy!"

I smacked Ra on the head and he fell face first on the ground then I pummelled him into the ground flattening out his body.

I stood up and scream at the top of my voice and the earth began to crack all around me.

Horas had gone totally wild his mind was screaming "They hurt heart! They hurt my heart! How dare anyone touch those I love you will pay!" his mind kept screaming this on replay.

Horas was meters away from myself and Isis when suddenly a wave burst from his body and everything around him started evaporating.

Horas scream something and it filled me with terror then he blasted 2 black flames that were so intense they made me feel like I had been roasted alive.

In the next moment I saw Ra flat like a pancake and Zeus was broken apart, Horas had lost control of himself and his power had started going out of control.

The earth beneath us had started to pulse as Horas moved and then horas scream again and all I heard was a muffled roar followed by screaming.

The power from Horas suddenly exploded out and I grabbed hold of Isis holding her close to protect her from the exploding ground.

I looked at Isis and said "Go to where you first arrived on this planet and find the large building when the planet explodes then find the huge ship and help it."

Isis flew of through the rubble and then Horas started blasting the body of Ra with some unknown attack and as Zeus started reforming Horas pierced each part being pulled back in with black lightning.

Horas was fuming with rage so I did the only thing I could to get him back under control and dived into his consciousness.

The tetrahedron pushed me back with a heavy wall of mental energy and made me feel pain.

The pain from Horas was cruel and made me wonder if this was how he felt, it felt like everything you held dear was ripped from your hands then destroyed viciously but it was worse and made you feel it as physically crippling pain.

I entered into a tetrahedron and all 4 walls showed memories of Cleopatra Horas had given away all his worries to have that girl live a happy life eventually he even gave himself over to have her happy.

Horas had hidden all this compassion deep down inside since his new found love Hathor never needed his protection she was as powerful as she needed to be and her life wasn't fleeting like a mortals.

Horas never gave up his care for mortals and kept that care alive in the form of Rameses, Helen, Jackie and Kaguya however he never had the compassion for them that he had for Hathor of Egypt or Cleopatra Cronos.

Horas erected an armour around his heart that went up the moment his heart even fluttered.

He suppressed his desire for companionship and pleasure instead he looked after the young people leading them to wonderful lives.

His entire being became a true contradiction and altered his basic desire making his true desire twisted and easily overcome.

Horas looked after the Japanese royal family similarly to how he looked after Cleopatra however he distanced himself from any chance of marriage into the family fearing to curse yet another precious woman to the torture of his love.

Horas loved Yuri the moment he saw her but his hearts armour blocked the emotion and all that he knew was that his heart wanted to help and protect this little 1.

The moment Yuri was set to marry Horas he attempted to get her to abandon him for someone else however Hathor made sure he couldn't and when she became an immortal his heart broke believing he was a failure.

The battlefields Yuri had been on and things she endured had made his heart sore and when he saw Cleopatra defiled and murdered all Horas wanted to do was teach those who would harm his heart, being Hathor or Yuri, that he had no mercy or compassion for those who attack his heart.

He had failed to grant Cleopatra a life worthy of living and if he allowed Zeus or Ra to touch a hair on either of their heads he would never forgive himself for that failure again.

The thoughts and memories deep inside Horas had surfaced inside the tetrahedron and I felt extremely loved when I found out how passionately he felt towards me.

I pressed on and as I entered the control tetrahedron I saw it Horas was trying to consume his essence his very being to create the creation orb.

The tetrahedron had a warning not to do this and I looked on Horas's consciousness and said "So you going to break both our hearts and abandon us to defeat this threat today and what happens when you become the next Zeus or Ra devoid of your personality. You don't care about the horror you may cause to us tomorrow."

Everything went still and the tetrahedron started turning white, Horas dropped to his knees and cried out loudly wailing away and then he said "I can't let you or Hathor get hurt if you get hurt I don't deserve to live. I've failed at protecting my heart throughout my entire life my first love was taken in my hands before my very eyes! Cleopatra was raped because I existed! You going to suffer losing all your loved ones because of me! It's my fault for being a worthless useless man! You and Hathor deserve someone a million times better then me!"

I looked at him and said "This again Horas. If it weren't for you I'd likely never existed and if it weren't for you marrying me I'd never have been happy! You think Hathor deserves better? Let me tell you something she thinks of nothing but your happiness and wonders how to stop you from going all out all the time just to make sure we have smiles on our faces. You gave up everything! You give up on everything every time you care just the slightest bit! We are the ones unworthy of you, it's not your job to make everything perfect love, live and enjoy life along side us and when we suffer don't make it your fault!"

I had lost composure while yelling at Horas and I walked over to him picked him up of his knees kissed him and said "I would die a billion times, or even give up my existence to heal your heart!"

Horas grabbed hold of me and the entire tetrahedron echoed with the words "I love Yuri!"

The tetrahedron grew bright and I was blasted back to my body and there stood Horas facing of against both Zeus and Ra who seemed to he utterly terrified as a tiny black orb now floated over Horas's right shoulder.