Chapter 8 part 4 Creation orb

Yuri had helped me complete the conquering of my emotions and had spoken down to me severely.

The power of creation was now almost to its peek and floating above my right shoulder was the result a tiny black orb that could permanently injure any immortal.

There were no limits before me my power had transcended limitation itself and I had no power or stamina drain.

Ra and Zeus had taken us defensive positions keeping at least 2 kilometres between us.

Yuri suddenly drifted to my side and I noticed my mother was gone, Yuri then told me through thoughts that my mother was gone to the ship.

The battle was now set to truly begin and 2 vs 2 all out battle with beings well beyond limitation.

Yuri had the link we shared revitalizing her power and Zeus and Ra had the forced link to quantized energy.

Yuri didn't hold back as she started the fight with an all out gravity well pulling in both Ra and Zeus.

Zeus electrified the gravity well and then Ra shot a light beam around the gravity well aimed at me, the super powered light beam shattered like glass not even touching me.

Zeus then scream at Ra saying "That won't cut it you need to use the annihilation from our power source against him or he will just brush of the attacks like nothing."

I then laughed loudly and obnoxiously and said "You can't touch me even with that power now or did you not know the creation orb chooses its reality and I now control it so nothing will touch me."

Zeus flared up a duel assault and whiped it through the gravity field towards me and as they struck me they both simply vanished.

The orb was supreme in power however it had draw backs maintaining it meant my other powers and strength were greatly weakened to the point that I was slower then the other 3 if didn't dedicate the orb to assist me.

The tetrahedron had now expanded to 20 tetrahedrons but this barely held up the orbs true power as the shape of the next level was in sight and required at least 150 tetrahedrons to be stabilized.

I had 1 tetrahedron allocated to everything else and 15 made up the orbs power giving me just this tiny orb.

Yuri dropped the gravity well and scream out "So you 2 cowards are afraid of Horas and won't even fight him all out in close combat. I guess it was true that Ra only loved Zeus because she was a bitch who only found power in torturing children!"

Ra didn't fall for the provocation however Zeus did and dashed towards Yuri ready to destroy her and that's when Yuri created 2 gravity fields, the first was within Zeus making her unbelievably heavy and the second behind me so that Zeus was pulled in towards me.

Ra saw this and blasted all out at Zeus pushing her away from me and causing the gravity field in Zeus to dissipate.

Ra laughed and said "His power is limited Zeus. That creation orb is a massive power up and is likely holding all the power he used to beat us down a while ago. If it were a 2 on 1 he'd obliterate us using his power then destroy us using his power however if he did that he'd hurt his precious bitch who is in the arena with us. How right am I boy?"

I looked at Ra and said "You surely have forgot that I could rip you both to pieces in seconds and then I could use the orb on you piece by piece till you go bye bye. I merely am prolonging your torture till I kill you both."

Ra and Zeus flinched realizing that I undoubtedly had that capability and they hoped the instigation would grant them some power over me.

I opened my palm towards them and placed the orb in front of it and out roared a straight pin like beam that pierced Zeus through the hand that she used to attempt to hit Yuri.

I laughed loudly and said "Get the point yet, you 2 are dead and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

The attack had burnt a permanent hole in Zeus's hand and I accidentally tipped the earth with beam meaning the beautiful blue marble we called home was about to be totally annihilated.

Yuri rushed in to fight Ra and Zeus who both were trembling in fear as I had started to truly kill them I aimed again and concentrated the flame once more and as Zeus smacked Yuri back I blasted her leg with a beam basically saying don't you touch my love.

Ra had aimed an annihilation beam at me and as it struck me burns appeared on my face.

I looked back towards Ra and smiled as my face healed almost instantly, the attack that impacted me was enough to blow the entire solar system apart twice over.

The massive tetrahedron holding the orb started to destabilize and I had to concentrate on pulling the escaping tetrahedrons back in.

The entire formation was now destabilizing so I knew I could not use the orb like this continuously so I had to stabilize it and then use it again once it stabilized for 2 attacks.

The air vibrated and shock wildly as the earth started giving of shockwaves and I flew into combat bracing for the combat.

I took Ra head on kicking him in the stomach to start the fight and that's when Ra smiled and said "So 2 attacks then a recharge how marvellous!"

I was stunned that Ra had taken notice and as I slammed a punch into his face he blasted me with a light beam at point blank.

The attack hadn't taken me down however the attack had basically scratched me lightly leaving me infuriated.

Yuri kept up with Zeus in an all out slug fest and was gaining the upper hand as Zeus was draining power at a massive rate trying to heal what could never be healed.

The injury to her hand bleed profusely and the injury to her leg was just as bad if not worse.

Yuri took advantage of the injuries and planted heavy attacks in the weakened areas.

The earth's molten mantel now poured out like an overflowing spewing river and then came the explosion.

The earth was now pieces of space rock floating about turning to dust.

The gravity from the planet had started to fade and I suddenly had an idea.

If I fought like this for too long all that would be achieved would be weakening Ra and Zeus I needed to kill both of them and I had an idea if I turned the sun into a black hole restored my power and extended the event horizon the black hole would evaporate over a few years while everything inside would be frozen in time.

The catch was the power required to extend the event horizon was all I had so I needed to use Yuri's power to escape the event Horizon or the entire process would be for nothing.

The event horizon I originally planned to create wouldn't have lasted very long however with the orb possibilities were now much better.

I was busy fighting Zeus when Horas gave me his plan.

The fight had become somewhat chaotic with gravity removed from the arena every blow sent both parties apart and made fighting slower and complex.

The problem was now getting us both out of combat or for me to hold both Ra and Zeus for a moment and then blast towards Horas so we could win the fight.

Horas heard my problem and decided to bluff he had readied his attack to hit the sun pointing out to the sun.

In the next moment Zeus and Ra started flying towards another planet despite them moving pretty fast Horas caught me in a fireball and we gave chase pinning the 2 on another planet Horas had decided to use his regular powers to attack and make it look like he was using the orb.

Horas fired a concentrated blast of black fire and impacted the planets surfaces and almost instantly the entire planet exploded Horas fired a second blast of towards where earth once stood.

Despite the easy descriptions of each planet at this point all the planets seemed to look the same.

Zeus fired of multiple electrical blasts causing the chunks of planets to explode then Ra and Zeus fled yet again and Horas spoke to me through our bond saying "Create a massive gravity well the moment we reach Jupiter and absorb all the power from it to allow me to steal your power and we could defeat both Ra and Zeus without being separated from anyone.