Chapter 8 part 5 Star forged prison

The fight was still intense as Horas now fought both Zeus and Ra as we were headed to yet another spec of a planet.

The solar system was already short 2 planets and with Horas wrecking up a storm he likely would destroy another planet the moment he landed.

The sun had started to wobble in its orbit already and the shaky waves of gravity were pushing around on me as I flew between planets.

Horas had made his calculations and provided we destroyed all 5 close planets and force Ra and Zeus to chase us in the end we could trap them while Horas Jumped us out of the solar system with his ship.

Yuri didn't seem to notice that she had been pretty much out matched by Zeus who managed to figure a way to counter Yuri despite the heavy damage I inflicted on her.

Yuri was no longer landing blows and her defensive blows barely deflected Zeus so I had no choice but to take both Zeus and Ra on.

My power was far weaker then either of them and my speed was slower but my natural fighting instinct trumped both Ra and Zeus after all I fought with odds so greatly stacked against me the chance of even achieving the slightest goal was impossible.

Ra and Zeus both attempted to hammer in attacks but I evaded and countered them using their own strength against them and still I had a greater chance of killing 1 of them if I simply used the orb all out and destabilized it.

Ra kicked like a train however his follow through was just the slightest bit off allowing me to deflect his power into him.

Yuri knew that fighting without gravity is where I held the greatest dominance since gravity consumed a lot of energy from all actions performed.

The 4 of us where mere meters away from another planet thanks to Ra all colour had faded and our extreme level of power made identifying the terrestrial planets impossible.

I had lied to Yuri that I needed to destroy 5 planets to achieve my plan in reality I needed to power her up so she didn't become a hostage to be used against me.

The moment we entered the atmosphere of the planet the light blasted away the atmosphere.

Yuri trailed us by seconds and the intense fight continued however at this point every hit cracked open the planets surface and the planet had already turned to a volcanic mess with no land mass.

Ra and Zeus relied so heavily on the annihilation power that they failed to notice it was slowing their healing down.

If I kept up fighting like this piling on black creation flames with the annihilation effects Yuri could hold out in a fight with both of them long enough for me to blow up the event horizon and warp away.

Ra kept using his light with the annihilation mixed into it and it made his attacks far more powerful however the heat from the light was totally erased.

The light pushed at me like a really hard punch however that was now it's extent.

Zeus had also started to fade in power against me as her lightning was also an extremely hard push however it lacked any true charge.

I decide to truly teach the 2 fighting me a lesson and I diverted all my power from the defensive field into an attack.

The black flame blasted into the planet below us and the planet exploded almost instantly erupting with black flames, the flames shot up and I tossed both Ra And Zeus into the flames.

In a shocking display of desperation Ra and Zeus fired their attacks at each other to strip away the black flames and tried to run to the next planet insight.

The sun had already been made wobbly by losing 2 planets however now with the loss of a third planet the sun seemed to be wavering a lot.

The surface of the sun now was spotted with black dots as the gravity of the small bodies had caused the bulges to shrink.

Provided I took advantage of the flares I could string them together with the black flames and totally cripple the 2 Titans.

The fight was escalating rapidly as we approached the last terrestrial planet in the system and just as the Ra and Zeus entered the planets orbit I roundabout kicked them both to the ground and shifted all my strength, defence and healing to my power and burnt the entire planet instantly.

Ra and Zeus seemed to panic and dashed away from the sun, myself and Yuri gave chase and that's when I created a warp to generate the gravity well inside Jupiter.

Yuri took advantage of the opportunity and created an extremely powerful gravity well, Ra and Zeus avoided the gas gains itself and headed towards a rocky moon likely IO.

They had about a minutes lead on us however the moons of Jupiter were sinking into the planet rapidly and Jupiter had started to change shape.

Ra and Zeus didn't seem to notice that Jupiter was spinning much faster and as they landed on IO the elongated bulge of Jupiter had come into range.

Yuri would now be taking the reigns in the fight as I had bought her every advantage I could possibly buy her.

IO was a volcanic rock full of acidic gas however soon after landing on the moon Jupiter swallowed it and now the small rock was being neutralized violently.

I arrived first and targeted the old ship yard that was hidden on the moon and blasted it with a single strike.

Yuri and I could now leave Jupiter and head to the sun as her power was feeding of the gravity and heat from Jupiter, if she touched the plasma surface of the sun she could force the sun to compress into a black hole.

If Ra and Zeus attempted to run they would be caught in a huge time dilation that would slow them down so much they would never be able to escape the event Horizon, this was my checkmate.

Yuri rushed in and started fighting Ra first and when he got smacked to the ground Zeus focused on Yuri as well.

It was time they tried to get a hostage without that they were pretty much dead.

Yuri pulled out all the stops and went to town on Zeus using her as a bat to swat away Ra every time he made an approach.

Time had been dilating faster and faster till the point that the planets destruction would seem hyper accelerated to us.

Yuri tossed Zeus aside and drifted to my side preparing for the warp when suddenly the entire planet violently exploded, a sea of molten metal now circled the space where Jupiter once stood.

Ra and Zeus had both been badly injured and I warped myself and Yuri to the surface of the sun.

The sun was a raging burning inferno and my healing was at regular speed since I had only 3 allocations for tetrahedrons at this moment 1 for control 1 for warping and all the rest was in the creation orb.

Yuri touched the sun and struggled desperately as she forced the containment and compression of the sun into a singularity.

The process had taken extra long and Yuri was absolutely exhausted as the sun started to change and collapse.

Yuri had recovered just the slightest bit when Ra and Zeus appeared.

I instructed Yuri to head to where the ship was drifting in space where earth once stood.

I had created a solid place for us to land and board the ship however we now had to delay Ra and Zeus before I could erect the event horizon and warp away.

I had to drop the stable burn of power I had created reallocate tetrahedrons for the fight.

We had fought Zeus and Ra for hours slowly making it to the land mass however Ra and Zeus had figured that I planned an escape from this area before the prison I intended to create was set.

I had come up with a ridiculous yet dangerous idea to trap Ra and Zeus I would dedicate all my power to the creation orb and the moment the event horizon expanded out I'd warp myself, Yuri and the ship from separate locations.

I had to get to a single location with the tetrahedrons that made up the orb.

Yuri fought hard going all out taking hits to her body preventing any attacks from hitting me or stopping my current actions.

Yuri bounced around redirecting attacks away from me and finally I was ready to expand the event Horizon.

My power connected to the dead star and I expanded the event horizon however the moment I tried to warp the event horizon hit me mid warp.