Chapter 8 part 6 Adrift

The world around me spun and twisted violently I compressed into a singularity and reformed several times over then I got shot of onto a rock drifting through space.

I thought I was in space however as the dizziness came down I could see ground beneath me.

I was on a rock over a desert like plain and the air was toxic, it wasn't hot on this planet however the colour of the sky and the light was dull like a low luminosity light bulb on a moonless night.

I started to stir and somehow my powers felt like they were inefficient, I jumped deep into my subconscious and tried to find Yuri however there was no response.

I had started wondering around and then I tried to take flight, this place was definitely odd as I tried to fly my power started to create water around my feet.

Not only had I failed to fly but the creation power was extremely weak and the water I created was barely enough to make a cup of water.

The ground that had been hit by the water bubbled and a yellow Sulphur smelling liquid now occupied the space on the ground.

I started reusing my powers 1 at a time and they all had different effects, it was at this point that I realized my space warping abilities were gone and I was stranded.

There was a possibility that my powers had been altered or totally changed after all I knew that warping could introduce problems like scrambling the anatomy of a person if the power was not perfectly used.

My last ditch warp felt extremely odd after all I had used powers extremely loosely at an extraordinary level.

I kept walking and focusing on my bond with Yuri and finally I could feel it again.

The bond was extremely weak so much so that nothing transmitted over the bond not a feeling or thought.

Yuri was still somewhere and this feeling meant that this bond had also lost its potency due to my wreckless actions.

The ship had warped with us so if I couldn't rely on my powers I had to rely on my technology.

My clothing was an exceptionally small collection of nanotechnology and would take years to build a ship or even a base.

I started to analyse the environment around me and shockingly the planet was abundantly rich in heavy metals.

Judging by the planets chemical make up this solar system was unusually young with several brown dwarf stars making up the stars explaining the extremely low light.

I had set 50 percent of my suit to gather resources and build up more technology.

Despite my all out hunting all day I didn't find any trace of the ship and even scarier was the planets night time cycle.

The surface of the planet turned almost black in colour with no light on the planets surface.

If there was water present on this planet it would instantly freeze at night as the temperatures dropped extremely low and the change was almost as fast as the setting of the sun.

I had been on the planet for several months at this point and there was nothing here except for rocks and sand.

This was a pretty bad planet for all living creatures as plants would likely grow extremely slowly in these light conditions plus the soil was extremely chemical rich.

The next major issue on the planet was my nanotechnology that had grown rather large in the short period I had been here.

Using the nanotechnology I scanned the solar system and even the local cluster of stars.

Not only was the scan odd but matched no known galaxy systems, judging by neighbouring stars and visible galaxies this universe was hundreds of billions on years old.

Warping was fairly simple however touching an event horizon while warping could explain time travel.

The odd stars were extremely dominant in this galaxy with no nebula clouds for planet or star formation meaning I had to leave this galaxy to find rare more suited planets to my type of existence than I had to figure out how to get to humanity.

I was now on this strange planet for well over 100 years and I finally had ships to travel with.

My ship did not show up scans so I decided that using the ship I would warp to the next system then find this galaxies black hole and warp in its event horizon to find an earlier universe.

I was pasted to the ground on an unknown world and for the first time in months I couldn't feel Horas.

Not only had his presence been erased but his bond with me felt like it disappeared.

The planet I was on felt extremely comfortable and even included plants.

The sun on this planet was a pleasant blue and it was not so harsh as to hurt my skin or eyes, I still had my powers however I had no idea where I was or how to get back to Horas or Hathor.

I was curious as to where Horas was and took his armour settling it to the ground.

The armour had scanned the environment and came up with no familiar markings or stands.

The planet and star system weren't part of any known galaxy meaning I needed technology really badly.

The planet I was on, had no magnetic field and had such a low metal content that I could not harvest it to build technology at any reasonable rate.

The suit estimated that building of a ship would take several thousand years provided I don't use the suit for armour or housing.

The planet was oddly soothing with little to no obstacles for an easy living, I didn't chop down trees or build anything large instead I took advantage of the shade from trees and ate berries or the small plants that looked like berries.

The planet was a paradise in ways considering that there was no extreme cold or extreme heat.

I had been on the planet for nearly 2 years and all that I had noticed was that the forest was all of this world, from what science I understand this solar system had a very short life and it also was likely to have violent solar storms with large outbursts of solar activity.

The scan had showed that around the planet were several other planets only 2 were terrestrial and the other 18 were gas giants.

The planetary orbits were totally unstable and the gas giants had irregular orbits influenced by each other pulling them in and tossing them out.

I had now been on this planet for almost a hundred years and I had never craved meat or fish this much in my life.

The soft blue sun had left me missing the harsh burning effects of the earth's sun.

I missed Horas and with all my contemplation I had realized the exact moment I fell in love with Horas.

I was in love with him the moment my father told me about the way Horas protected the lady Kaguya.

For now all I had was my memories and the insanity I suffered from the solitude I could not bring myself to talk to the imaginary Horas who followed me around and no matter how hard I tried the bond I once had with Horas no longer existed.