Chapter 9 part 1 New world

Hathor had been working hard to use her new powers properly however the cufflink had melted away during an attempt Hathor made to guard against my powers.

The sad result had made Hathor powerful yet severely lacking in full power.

Hathor worked hard on mediation everyday to only have poor results earned and she still kept at it hoping to 1 day find Horas using her powers.

Humanity had been divided into 2 groups now and were living on 2 different planets.

The fighting between Isis and Hathor had not stopped or slowed down, every meeting between the 2 had come to blows.

In a more then expected turn of events Isis left with a colony group leaving all the other immortals with me.

The Japanese people had come to understand who and what we immortals were.

I had started pressing a little further and despite my best efforts I was only fractionally more powerful.

My father had been training with me for the past 2 years and despite the progress we had made the humans had been slightly hard headed.

The former governments convinced their loyal supporters that earth was not destroyed and it was a conspiracy theory, they even convinced their people that those who died weren't dead.

I had killed almost 30000 people to stop the stupid rising however it failed.

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus had chosen to reside on the giant ship instead of settling.

Isis kept clashing with me every single time we met, the constant training had made me far stronger however I no longer could use my powers.

The loss of my powers was a pure circumstance of the crazy training I had done with the cufflink.

My new powers were not easy to regain and even if I recreated the cufflink of some other resonance metal the power was highly ineffective since I didn't truly master it.

I had been able to re-enter the infinite labyrinth in my mind however inside the labyrinth I could only control the time flow.

I had planned to try and control the labyrinth again near a black hole however I had to undergo some heavy training before that as black holes had a habit of leaving human beings with dilation sickness.

Isis had come to call me daughter after a while however almost every time we met we still fought.

Isis had insisted that we try to resolve our differences of opinion and kept pestering me about Horas.

Horas was an extremely sore topic just the mention of his name left me feeling lonely and reminded me that I left Horas to his faith.

Isis didn't think hiding my pain would help me and insisted I speak out about my true thoughts and feelings.

I was the 1 who would throw the first punch every time and in the end Isis had opted to start a second colony on a distant world since I had repeated Amun's prophecy.

Isis had come around a bit considering the terrible fate her son had suffered, the most fascinating discovery Isis made was that Horas had not artificially improved his power instead all his improvements were natural from hard work and determination.

Isis had come to grips with the sad reality that a man could have 2 wives and be decent she also learnt that love is no simple emotion that can be bound to contracts or oaths.

Yuri still seemed to be her favourite surprisingly as she said that Yuri had inspired great confidence within her with just a few words.

I had never been 1 to get jealous pointlessly however it was at this point that my jealousy had established itself.

A meeting had been called by Hathor and Cronos had ordered that myself and both my wives attend.

The ship had changed its shape and adapted to become far more spacious since just 3 of us occupied it.

Saturn and Uranus had been worried that Hathor was seriously going through a tough time and had helped her by suggesting to Isis to move away and start another colony with the foolish humans.

The education system the western world used was severely flawed using partial facts and outdated information as the base knowledge for people.

All weapons technologies from earth had been placed in Hathor's care as the vast majority of people left from earth were Japanese.

Several military units from earth had brought along guns and some minor weapons, almost all the western soldiers agreed to leave the planet while the scientists and anybody with an IQ over 90 choose to stay with the new order.

The Illumanati had asked Hathor if they could kill the lot of them as an act of kindness however Hathor said dooming them to disaster may give humanity a new found reality.

Hathor was well aware that a ton of protesting idiots would die out in 3 to 4 generations after all harming your gifted talent to benefit those far less capable only weakened the state of things.

I had arrived at the bridge and standing at the helm was Cronos, the controls were plotting 2 explorations 1 was set to find dimensional rifts and second was large black holes.

Hathor may have wanted to engage in training with a black hole to fuel her power however it was dangerous since only black holes of a size greater then ultra massive would be effective and they were extremely hard to find and interact with safely.

I had been watching Cronos for almost 5 minutes when I finally spoke saying "Cronos why are you hunting for Etherious and Etherials, plus if you intend to train Hathor you know where that black hole is."

Cronos put his hands down and said "I went over the data from the last moments of the fight with Horas, Yuri, Zeus and Ra. The fight ended with an event Horizon rapidly growing however a few seconds before the event horizon reached its limit the sensor detected a gravity warp impact the event horizon and that caused 3 dimensional rifts. If I'm correct Horas was shot to another dimension along with 2 others if we search for a matching dimensional rifts we could possibly find Horas much sooner I'm also hoping to try and learn to warp through dimensions using black holes."

This was no small trivial discovery and it likely meant Hathor would rush to join such an important quest however the scary part was doing this could take a very long time so much so that hundreds of thousands of years could pass without much development.

I then said "Cronos you can't tell this to Hathor you will give her hope where there is none. Please do your research separate from her and let her train near the black holes to maximize her power."

Cronos jumped in immediately saying "I know that but Hathor needs some hope she can't concentrate or control her temper. If I don't give her this she won't move forwards…"

I interrupted Cronos saying "Myself, Saturn and Uranus will take Hathor with us for her training while you go hunting for the dimensional energy and then we can meet up in 10 years time and report it all to Hathor to see what she chooses. I know Hathor much better then you big brother so let me help her out."

Jupiter had always been with me since he was pretty young and even shared a close relation to my family.

Jupiter was born from the descents of my uncle and aunt on opposite sides of the family around 1000 years after me.

When he first figured out he was immortal he was a handful and caused endless havoc till he met me and then we travelled together hearing the rumours of new immortals.

Jupiter had changed a lot since then and after he fell in love he became a very soft hearted man who always cared for those he saw as children.