Chapter 9 part 2 Jupiter’s plan

Cronos had kept talking over the details of the operation since he gave in to my plan however Hathor needed combat and the only way she could be tested was to force her to use her power in an unforgiving environment.

Cronos had shifted his search and started placing markers on the star charts for tough systems to visit, 2 systems were black hole orbited systems while the rest were baby planets with extremely hostile surfaces.

In terms of an opponent it seemed only 2 immortals could be her opponent after all if Isis had a reason to duke it out no holes bared the entire solar system who vanish in attacks.

Hathor was also another ridiculous contender if she gained her powers back, after all a single attack could likely destroy an entire solar system.

The last option was to pair Gaia with Hathor and to motivate Gaia who was in a deep state of depression to fight.

Gaia was extremely lonely as she lost her best friend, her children and her secret bloodline as a result of the entire ordeal.

Cronos was at his wits end trying to cheer her up while Saturn and Uranus avoided Gaia since they had bad blood with each other.

Saturn and Uranus were once servants of Gaia back on Titan and unfortunately for them Gaia trained them brutally for pleasure so the 2 most happy and cheerful immortals refused to help or assist Gaia.

Gaia was a cruel individual for almost 500000 years and only stopped when Cronos defeated both her and Zeus on Titan, it was known as the Cataclysm and resulted in the unification of immortals for a period.

I looked up at Cronos and asked "Did you set a different time for me to arrive compared to the rest? I suspect that's the case so spill."

Cronos sighed loudly and said "I wanted to ask you to help me with Gaia, I know your wives won't help no matter who begs or pleads so I'm asking you to help. I know Gaia is a bit of an arrogant pain in the ass but you must know how to get her to interact with people again."

I planted my hand to my face and said "Remember the secret bloodline of Gaia, I know who their last heir was and she once was in love with Horas it turns out Horas has a video message from her to him on file. If we share the video it may get her really angry with Hathor and motivate her to go out and pick a fight."

My idea was totally over the top and all that would happen is Gaia would get pulverized by Hathor considering her new found physical strength rivalled Cronos in an enhanced power state.

I looked to Cronos and he sighed and said "Okay I got it but how do we set this up and I know why Gaia will be pissed. Hathor may get a kick out of fighting for now but once Horas returns trust me you will have way more to sort out."

Cronos had not hid the fact that Gaia would reveal the true linage of Horas's first love in turn causing Horas to feel bad and getting Hathor all bothered.

I was about to speak to Cronos again when the others entered the room.

Saturn and Uranus would interfere or possibly help just to watch Gaia get a beat down by Hathor however I would not take that risk.

Within 5 minutes everyone had assembled, the helm now held a round meeting table and everyone set with a fair amount of space between them.

Cronos started saying "The new colonies are only just starting and we need to get out into the universe establishing more possible homes. So I'm going to be forming 3 teams with us immortals 1 will explore worlds, 1 will help me with research and the last will help Hathor train near a black hole. 3 of us are already seated to a duty Isis will explore worlds, I will do the research and Hathor will undergo her training so how would the rest of you like to split up."

The table went silent for a few seconds and Gaia spoke up saying "I will go with Cronos on his research trip."

I then said "I'm speaking for the 3 of us so I hope you fine with this we going with Hathor on her training mission."

Saturn and Uranus gave a smile and thumbs up as they walked around the table grabbing hold of Hathor.

Cronos then stood up and said "Isis and Jupiter will remain in the room for the planning everyone else set out."

The room slowly emptied and Cronos spoke to Isis handing her a list of planets for implantation of the nanotechnology with any luck in around 20 years all the world's would be habitable.

Isis walked towards the door and then she stopped and said "I don't know if the others caught on but you 2 shouldn't be forcing those 2 to fix their feelings."

Isis continued walking away and Cronos looked at me and asked "So you think we can do this thing?"

I replied "We can now, hand over that chart and go find your dimensional thing."

Saturn and Uranus were holding onto my arms rubbing their heads on my arms 1 at a time.

It was extremely annoying however it felt kind of soothing like I had a companion with me as I faced new adventures.

This was no new experience for us immortals in the past I had gone on almost 50 exploration expeditions and each time we went on these expeditions we were given goals some were easy and could be completed in a few short years however some were intensely difficult and took centuries to complete.

My objective on this mission was training meaning we were looking for a black hole with both an astrophysical jet and large accretion disk.

The objective was for me to sit between the gravity and meditate trying to focus my power and accelerate my learning through the infinite labyrinth.

The task sounded way to easy and that's where you would be right, the difficult part of this was sorting out my emotions and learning this emotion channelling thing that my father told me about.

Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter could not do this however those 3 possessed the most empathy and could likely help me with my emotional mess.

Other then that 1 usefulness they couldn't help me, none of them were fast enough or strong enough to fight me.

Jupiter walked up behind us and said "Well looks like you have a 3 phase training to undergo and we will be with you. First we going to charge you up by the black hole and then you going to concentrate on your power and improve your control, next we will move on to refining your emotional management helping you refine the energy usage you use to not get disturbed last but not least we have endurance and toughness training. So get some rest and prepare for this tedious journey ahead of you."