Chapter 9 part 3 Gaia and Cronos

The search for Horas was now underway, not only did I suspect Horas and Yuri were transported to alternate dimensions but Ra and Zeus as well.

After all my time studying dimensional energy the closest I came to dimensional travel was quantized energy.

Horas had built his shield technology using dimensional stable transit forcing all attacks from our dimension into the quantized dimension if I managed to use that technology on a frequency oscillation I could possibly open the dimension portals and start searching for him.

Gaia had locked herself in a room and balled herself up continuously crying for Hephaestus.

The sad truth of the matter was I had also lost children however I had a child who was still around and I had my best friend, unlike me Gaia had a husband and nothing else everything else she held dear was taken from her.

The trip required studying black holes so I had made a special trip to the debris field of Olympus where my old secret moonbase was hidden.

The system Olympus was in had no star remnant instead it had a large gas cloud with broken pieces of planets and the odd floating moons.

This was the aftermath of an extremely tragic battle many immortals had lost heart at this point and fell into deep depression refusing to have children ever again.

I was not so ignorant to totally overlook the emotional damage caused by this tragedy however we immortals carried on and finally we found a new hope on earth.

Jupiter was the most instrumental individual in revitalizing the immortals after Olympus and had been the fourth individual to arrive on earth during its original settling.

My research facility in Olympus was almost unreachable when the system was destroyed and had been surrounded by heated rings of ionized gas.

Despite the situation then the system had cooled down a lot and was now safe to enter. The average pressure in the system was just higher then the pressure of earth so most current humans would enjoy living out here with just an oxygen tank needed to travel through space.

As I searched the dense clouds there it stood a shattered moon, the moon wasn't visible just scan able.

I had landed directly in my base and all around me stood my old research devices.

The floor was unbelievably clean considering the dusty like appearance of the system, to top it of the entire facility was functional.

Gaia didn't help me gather any equipment and in actuality this was planned for since this base was our secret meet up location in this system.

I brought several items from the living area to invoke Gaia's emotions slowly over the trip we were about to take, after all I needed her slightly sentimental when she caught me listening to our granddaughters words to her love.

I intended to have Gaia find out about our granddaughter a few days before arriving at the rendezvous and then I could intentionally break her heart to aggravate her with Hathor and Horas, after catching a beating she'd likely come to her senses.

I walked about to the main eating chamber and set the mementos on every major wall forcing all gaze to fall on the items.

1 of the most weird mementos was an item from my life before discovering I was immortal, it was a picture of me with my second wife and that family that I had.

Gaia was helped by my great-grandson when she was really young and had fell in love with his family and only found out about me being part of that family many years later.

I am Cronos the first born immortal on Titan and the third to be born ever.

My life was not tragic or as blessed as the life of other immortals as Titan was a unique world where humanity reinvented itself 2 times.

I was unaware that around the time I had reached 200 years of age 2 immortals were born they were named Gaia and Zeus however they were born in the same town to a prominent family despite this a monster of an individual rapped the 2 girls and dumped their bodies together.

After the girls managed to kill the man they had become twisted in personality and were called the Zombies of Titan.

The girls didn't actually kill the rapist a young man happened to here them screaming in terror and rushed to them saving them from the horrible faith that was befalling them.

The girls ran away from the town after an uprising against me resulted in a volcanic eruption despite all this we had never met.

The first immortal I ever met was Jupiter at around the age of 1000 years of age.

Around 100000 years later I met Gaia and Zeus in a peculiar manner that would be better not discussed, unlike the grand restraint of Horas I was not so foolish. Gaia and I were enemies for almost 400000 years after our first meeting however that tale would be 1 for the founding of the great immortals.

I am Gaia 1 of the great immortals born on Titan.

My early life was that of an honoured member of society but around the time I turned 13 my life turned to hell.

I was captured by a sadistic man and then I was rapped and murdered for lack of a better word.

It was at this tender age that I found out I was immortal, I also found out I was not alone.

In the shallow grave with 4 bodies was 1 other immortal a young girl who would later become Zeus.

Our early child hood names were long forgotten by us but the incident that followed never left us.

The man who violated us found us wondering away from the grave he had buried us in and he snapped our necks.

After several revivals and deaths so cruel you could only imagine the terror we were rescued.

Zeus and I were made into terrible monsters as Zeus was older and stronger then me she forced me down her path of life.

We murdered men in extremely cruel ways take what satisfaction we wanted from them, myself and Zeus were called the Zombie maidens and ate our way through men however the greatest threat of our world was the catastrophe Titan Cronos.

Many years had passed and we had come across a prime man for sexual pleasure along with a man who we could kill terribly.

The man later turned out to be Cronos and despite how we killed him he was still someone I desired since he reminded me of the man who rescued me from my first nightmare.

Cronos fought and had other encounters with us over the next several hundred thousand years till the founding of the great immortals.

A deal had been made by myself and Zeus to marry him after a fateful final battle agreement.

Zeus had turned bitter with her agreement after the 2 greatest immortals arrived and so started her brutality to my happiness.

She eroded any children I had and refused to allow me any friendship with other immortals, in the end she was my only friend and her cruelty kept me fighting for a better life.

Cronos eventually helped me get that life however all our peace ended when Ra's son fought back, he couldn't kill an immortal and had only made our lives worse.

I had been in my room on the ship with Cronos and had been treating Cronos extremely coldly.

He supported the monster who took away my chance at happiness and if I achieved happiness Zeus would take it away when she returned.

I had walked down to the dinning area in this ship and lining the dinning area were mementos from Olympus, my favourite picture of Cronos and his first family, the small items from my secret bloodline and last but not least was ancient books from Titan.

These books were a family heirloom and were written in a language so old that not even Ra could decipher it.

I set here looking at 3 books that were set against a wall and an odd tingling inside me told me to talk to Cronos.

I walked over to the food dispenser and had a brilliant meal prepared and head back to my room.

Cronos had sealed the alteration abilities of the ship so I couldn't simply eat in my room and suspected he was up to something to get me motivated.

Cronos would never experience the same pain as me because he had an immortal child meaning he'd never truly lose his heart. I despised Hathor intensely as things stood after all her involvement with my secret family resulted in the death of my descendant Horas.