Chapter 9 part 4 Bad blood

We had arrived at the first target the black hole that had been used to punish Zeus and Gaia.

Hathor was prepared to exit the ship sitting between 2 hyper intense gravity fields the astrophysical jets at this point pulled enough to counter falling into the black hole.

The ship experienced no time dilation or gravity effects due to the shielding present on the ship so Hathor would be slowly shifted through the shield and was told to accelerate time endlessly.

The weird idea was simple by absorbing 2 power streams and turning them to time Hathor could awaken her powers in no time.

Hathor sat at the end of the hallway and was slowly being lifted outside the ship and shield.

Saturn came up to me at this moment and said "Hey sweetheart let's play some games, we could play board games, we could play combat games or you could just play with me!"

I knew why Saturn was behaving like this and it wasn't for my benefit, this was her old conditioning from her earlier years.

Saturn looked at me with a look close to pain and said "We will not help Gaia no matter what!"

Everything started fading as a blade pierced through me, Saturn and Uranus had heard of my plan with Cronos and honestly I couldn't blame them for this feeling after all I to knew the reason for their hate.

My name is Saturn of Titan 1 of the immortals and wife of Jupiter. I had a beautiful life on Titan and even had 3 separate families before I was capture by Gaia.

Gaia may have not looked extremely nasty but her actions against me were as horrible as could be imagined.

Gaia infiltrated my house back when she was Lilith and married my son however within a week my entire family had been murdered and eaten by her.

I had no idea that she had murdered my family till the day I caught her eating my son alive.

My son who lay on the floor screaming in agony begged me for help so I attacked the monster eating him unfortunately for me I was over powered and forced to kill my son by eating his heart out.

Gaia punished me in many different ways as she trained me to fight from ripping me limb from limb to breaking every bone in my body.

I had been in Gaia's service for almost 20000 years with my companion Mercedes the 2 of us had taken on the roles given to us and attacked the then so called villain Cronos.

My first encounter with Cronos resulted in meeting the man who would become mine and Mercedes husband, Jupiter.

The strong man dominated us in battle and yet he did no cruel acts to us after winning, nearly 100 immortals had existed at this time before the planet would be submerged into chaos.

From the Ashes of Titans defeat I rose as Saturn and discarded my allegiance to Gaia marrying the kind hearted Jupiter, in my many years with Jupiter we had cried and laughed together even done ridiculously irresponsible things together and then into our house came Hathor Cronos she may have been the daughter of a great immortal but she had chosen our house as her refuge and we loved her as our own we cried in grief when she lost her husband and we even celebrated when she found love again.

I am Uranus of Titan and to be honest I don't remember my original name only the name of my dear companion Athena.

I was unfortunate to have not married in my early life however just after turning 300 hundred the immortal Gaia entered my house and took everything from me.

Gaia appeared outside my house in a beaten up state she had broken bones and deep cuts all over her body.

I took her in and nursed her back to life it was at this point that things started to go wrong in my house my daughters vanished and then so did my husband leaving just myself and my son.

Gaia fought me and beat me to a pulp then she dragged me up to a room where she made me watch as she slowly tortured my son and when my son was already tortured so bad that all that was left was his death Gaia allowed me to kill my son as a mercy however following his death she beat me down and forced me to eat him.

I had been imprisoned for years by Gaia before meeting Athena unfortunately for me Athena was extremely disheartened and broken by Gaia so I cheered her up and teamed up with her defending her with all my heart.

We eventually fought a man named Kraken he was amazing in combat despite dominating us and falling short of the 3 strongest immortals he was amazing.

He defeated myself and my companion then he let us go in the kindest way possible I can still remember how he smiled gleefully as he walked away saying 1 day we will be friends.

I don't remember if it was me or Athena that fell for him first all that I do know is that he made the request to marry both of us.

My name is Jupiter however I had many names in the past and have always been all bubbly and cheerful.

My names on Titan were Ares and Kraken I was a happy go lucky wild child and only discovered my immortality thanks to my distant relative Cronos.

Around the time I reached 300 Cronos showed up for a second time in my life and explained why I was the way I was in the start I was terrified however I embraced my faith completely.

Cronos was incredibly strong and tough in the start however I caught up to him extremely quickly and faded in strength soon after.

Cronos was no pushover however his dominance over me was purely thanks to his powers unlike him my power couldn't manifest due to my extremely emotional personality.

If I described my early life I'd have to call myself a scumbag after all I had a tendency of getting married to woman I liked and a year or 2 after their deaths I'd marry again.

I had so many families that once the world ended the person who suffered the second largest loss of relatives was me.

There were only 2 female immortals who caught my fancy and I maybe a total scumbag for this but I knew their names and acted like I did not knowing who they were.

Athena and Mercedes 2 immortals in the service of Gaia had fought me on several occasions and I beat them both easily however I had taken a liking to them from first sight so I kind of toyed with them and spared them an all out defeat.

When Titan fell and all the immortals united I approached them and asked boldly to marry both of them to my surprise acceptance was instant.

Saturn and Uranus stood over Jupiter who they had just stabbed through the heart and started a discussion. Uranus started the discussion saying "We need to make sure Jupiter doesn't help that bloody bitch get out of her bad mood. Remember all that she put us through."

Saturn ground her teeth and said "I will make her eat her own heart out that cold heartless bitch. I hate that we have to do this to Jupiter but he needs to know that he crossed a bloody line."

The knife in Jupiter's chest was slowly drawn out by the ships nanotechnology and he was rapidly healed so neither of his wives noticed him waking up.

Jupiter said in a sad dulled down tone "So you stabbed me for that?"

Uranus and Saturn jumped to grab hold of Jupiter however he knocked both ladies of their feat and locked them in a submission hold then he said "Horas set the emergency controls open so the ship heals us instantly. So do you 2 want to talk or are we going to play this way for a few years?"

Jupiter released both ladies and got to his feet at which point both Saturn and Uranus disarmed dropping 8 knives to the ground.

Jupiter looked both women in the eyes and said "Do you know why we never addressed what happened on Titan?" both ladies shook their heads and Jupiter continued speaking "On Titan the first 3 immortals were called monsters Cronos murdered so many families in defence it would be tragic to mention numbers. Zeus and Gaia are responsible for the 300 year rule because they learnt of their immortality before puberty, both Zeus and Gaia don't posses emotions like the rest of us their emotional development stagnated as that of children. Zeus and Gaia were raped as children and then murdered who knows how many times, around the time we threw Zeus and Gaia into the black hole we learnt that anyone who tasted immortality young became slightly more demented. We found that stable personalities were those who went through the trauma of forever around 300 years of age. What Gaia did to you was terrible but it was the act of an immature mind, among immortals 12 of us know this."