Chapter 9 part 6 Hathor vs 5

Despite the endless hours poured into the dimensional technology I still had no way to open the rifts.

I had visited a demon world and begged for help however Shradow had appeared and told me that the knowledge I seek was beyond the Etherious.

The natural rifts were dead ends since they were to small to fit through.

Opening warps close to the black hole were extremely difficult and always seemed to end badly.

I had been sitting at the helm waiting for Gaia to come over as I setup yet another experiment.

Gaia had popped in on me and sat next to me then she said "So are we going to continue with explaining how the humans exterminated themselves on earth?"

The topic had come up several times and I explained the system that had led to human destruction post revival.

I sighed and said "The humans of earth adopted a system of anti progression around the time they ended a great war that they called world War 2, an oppressive regime had been setup under the name of freedom this system was called justification actions. The system had noble dreams of writing the wrongs of the past however some wrongs weren't wrongs they were simply nature. The foolish program had started by doing a great thing and opening all fields however soon after they crossed a line that should not have been crossed. In trying to fix differences they created victims of those who were simply naturally gifted and caused hatred to stew. The state of these matters slowly degraded till no truly educated people were left in the higher positions. Laws prosecuted the gifted and eventually they had internal wars so great that the nations of the world lost the vast majority of their people. The broken down world died to hunger and war leaving those who survived to start again."

Gaia didn't share the mood and said "So they were like the people of Tritan after the rebuild? The people who destroyed their own success what was that planet called again?"

I watched the past of other immortals and learnt from both their kindness and cruelty.

There were test worlds made for learning some where for punishment others were for betterment and this was done to improve themselves 3 systems were distinctively identified with 1 system being called the crown of fools the system employed by Tritan the planet that died in 400 years destroyed by its own governance.

Humanity were often fools mistaking the idea of cruelty with mercy or servitude with freedom none of it existed as there was always someone better.

Tritan was a society led by greed and much like Gaia the leadership only ever thought to preserve itself.

The leaders tried to preserve only for themselves forsaking their families and in so doing they punished those who should have excelled.

Science was made to suit whims and facts were distorted to improve sentiment the ineffective were given command and the competent trampled on.

Gaia only wanted to live on with Cronos she didn't even take his feelings into consideration she simply thought of her pleasure failing to realize that she would hurt because of her actions.

Gaia only thought of the now never seeing tomorrow and if she saw tomorrow all she did was fantasize the good failing to calculate the bad.

The short sightedness of Gaia had led her to plan a betrayal of us at this point in time however I now know what I need to do.

Gaia was now far more active now and had started to join me for observation it had been nearly 5 years since we had each set out on our expeditions.

Gaia may have seemed happy however anyone could tell she was up to something, the neurological link had been disabled to Gaia to safe guard her thoughts.

It may not be something terrible however my instinct told me not to drop the persistence.

I was walking over to the helm when I received a communication from Jupiter it read "Time to meet up and train she has advanced as far as she can."

I prepared myself to get caught watching our descendants farewell to Horas.

Gaia came down the hall slowly and walked right passed the screen then she said "Turn it off I can barely stand this type of silly sentimentality."

I looked back at Gaia and said "Why is that."

Gaia looked at me and said "They both immortal not matter what neither of them can die so this farewell is pointless."

I replied "So you don't know this is Hathor Cranel or Hathor of Egypt our grandchild. She was Horas Ra's first love."

Gaia flared up and punched me of my chair saying "You befriended Horas in spite of this his filthy scumbag jumping from daughter to daughter and you allow it."

I got up and said "Our granddaughter wished for this to happen she wished for Horas to end up with my Hathor and by the way there is a lot you still don't know."

Gaia walked out of the room and as I sat in the helm leading us to the rendezvous I prepared to be stabbed from the back.

The idea of deserving that which never could be yours was a frequent idea and led people to do many foolish things just like Gaia who drove her blade into my chest immobilizing me.

Gaia looked at the coordinates and read "Training match for Hathor."

Gaia looked over the planet and tried to chose an action to take, if she chose to attack the planet with the ship she required my codes which she couldn't get and if she really wanted to fight Hathor she would be pulverized.

In a furious stand off Gaia walked of to the exit ramp and jumped into the planet.

I sat up in the helm and started moving towards the rear ramp and to my surprise Hathor was standing there.

Hathor smiled and said "Dad we need to talk while Gaia learns a lesson on the planet. Like she said we are immortal so don't get sentimental."

Hathor was behaving odd almost like she was stuck in some kind of trance like state.

I sat on the floor and Hathor said "Firstly this is a result of my training my powers have expanded and the dilation sickness will kick in if I drop this state so bare with me. Secondly Gaia is facing of against Ares, Mercedes and Athena to come to terms with reality after all she currently plans to betray us all when Zeus arrives hoping to have her deal honoured."

I looked at Hathor and asked "What's up with your power and what's the deal?"

The glow around Hathor's body was odd like some kind of halo of energy being contained.

Hathor answered "My power of prophecy is more like the power of knowing all possibilities so I hyper accelerated time and gathered power to learn to use my abilities. The deal Zeus made with Gaia was for her to live with you far away in peace, however Zeus never intended to allow it. Zeus planned to torture Gaia 1 last time and force her to pieces like everyone else. I can turn Gaia away from Zeus however it requires an unimaginable amount cruelty on my part towards her so don't interfere."

Hathor stepped towards the ramp and dived down towards the planet.

Gaia dropped between us as explained by Hathor and instantly took on her enhanced state.

Saturn could use a form of water and Uranus a form of ice both of which were highly effective against Gaia while I had learnt a special fire power called inferno Hathor told me it was second only to lava and when I use it to be careful not to drain myself.

Gaia looked at the 3 of us and said "Where is Hathor I'm here to fight her?"

I smiled and said "We are here to teach you a lesson Lilith the Zombie Titan."

Gaia rushed in to attack me and in a show of skill I counter struck her punch pushing her to the side.

Gaia had her back facing me when I used the inferno power mixed into a kick to send her flying downwards.

Gaia looked up bewildered at the show of skill and power turning to analyse her other 2 opponents.

It must have been absolute desperation that drove the decision however Gaia changed her target and dived towards Saturn and neither myself or Uranus moved.

Saturn blasted a jet of water at Gaia pinning her down instantly and then she laughed saying "All 3 of us have powers now your old great standing will no longer be a divide between us. You also need to know that we will return the torment you put us through here and now."

All 3 of us charged in and despite it being a 3 on 1 I barely contributed and only prevented her escaping.

Saturn and Uranus really attacked hard and made Gaia's rock like features crack in an instant the power enhancements we used were at a basic level and now we truly saw why power enhancing Chakra was so dangerous. With our current power we could easily dispose of 3 regular immortals however the disparity between Gaia and us was blaring.

She was easily able to dispose of the 3 of us in the past well not that it was easy she simply harmed Saturn and Uranus then went at me but now we all had equal footing with quick regeneration thanks to the power up.

Gaia dropped her full enhanced state and the beating truly started Saturn and Uranus let lose all their pent up aggravation from the past.

Gaia didn't cry instead she seemed to snap and start rambling from her own memory.

Gaia was saying "Zeus please don't make me torture them again please. I already broke them like you ordered I made them eat their children. Now can we please play I'm bored with eating people."

The rambling intensified and both myself and Uranus stopped beating Gaia down however this was worse then we ever imagined.

Hathor dropped from the sky in what looked like an elegant flight and as we looked to her she said "That is all exactly how it happened. For now take out all that anger you have and make Gaia feel all the pain it's needed for the next step."

Uranus looked at me and said "It's enough she already broke from our beating."

Hathor walked up to Gaia and dropped a heavy kick into her chest.

Uranus and Saturn dashed over to pull Hathor away however she swatted both of them away effortlessly and went to lay into Gaia again.

I dived in this time and the 3 of us managed to grab hold of Hathor however she pushed us all away once more and kept on moving forwards.

I looked up and scream "Cronos get in here and help us!" no reply came as we kept being blown away.

Why was Hathor so aggressive what could this possibly achieve.

In the next minute Hathor altered the gravity and suddenly extreme winds could be felt whipping around.

The land before us lifted high and we sunk down not being able to see what was going on.

The sky suddenly turned red and a blast of fire hit the elevated ground turning it to lava at that moment we saw Gaia being kicked around like a soccer ball.

Cronos arrived next to me in full enhanced state and said "Go all out right now we may actually be able to get Hathor back to normal."