Chapter 9 part 7 Beyond the limits

Hathor kept swatting everyone away and at her feet Gaia kept rambling in her breakdown state.

I needed to smack Gaia awake and to do that I needed to get her away from Hathor.

I charged in as a lava figure and instantly Hathor tilted gravity against me sending me flying into a distant cliff.

Jupiter powered up to his maximum and appeared to be a violent burning flame.

The air suddenly calmed down and Jupiter sped into combat at an unbelievable pace at which point I sunk into the ground making a lava path between myself and Gaia.

As I started to climb vertically I got a tug so hard that the ground lifted up beneath me.

I had no choice but to heat the ground above me and in a matter of seconds I was shot into the air like a cannon.

I was up in the air and falling fast so I decided to stop holding back and pulled all the rock around me into a condensed ball and heated it then I fired it.

The dense ball let of a large crackle as it started to descend and the moment Hathor noticed it she jumped back leaving Gaia alone on the raised ground.

The lava ball impacted the ground and Gaia went flying off I turned my hand out in the opposite direction as Gaia and released a huge flame.

I turned my upper body back into my regular flesh and caught Gaia while Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter took on full enhanced state and rushed at Hathor.

I had lived through a fight similar to this when I fought Isis on Titan pure fighting talent, skill and power blended together can never be beaten unless it is matched.

Matching this power, skill and talent was impossible but if we were lucky we could scratch Hathor and that may wake her.

Jupiter and Saturn occupied both her arms while Uranus managed to force the third strike to turn Hathor away if 2 more entered the fray we could win.

Gaia refused to wake up as I shook her I was at my wits end trying to get her attention when I decided to kiss her.

Gaia snapped back to herself and shuddered likely realizing how bad her plan to attack Hathor was.

I looked at Gaia as she starred blankly at me and then she said "How could I be beaten so easily?"

I looked at her and carefully considered my answer since I needed to her to help with hitting Hathor just once.

I replied "You always fight for your own benefit and never see the benefit in alliances. You never fight with those above you and for that very reason you stand beneath them. Now get up on your own give up this selfishness and join us in fighting Hathor you need to give it your all. After today learn that not only Zeus is your friend but anyone who you can communicate with properly."

It was a stupid statement and there was a chance it worked.

I got up leaving to the fight and jumped in moving full speed ahead, I watched a quick exchange of blows and joined into the rhythm of the attack.

Hathor was amazing her eyes quickly shifted left to right viewing our body language and adjusting her attacks to perfectly land counter to us.

With 4 of us this was a stalemate everyone struck equally making this the perfect tie.

The ground around us caved from full force attack and Hathor wasn't even stressed.

The ground suddenly started rumbling and in that instant Gaia shot into action in full enhanced state.

Every strike made contact however Gaia nicked a punch and just that tiny break in rhythm resulted in 2 of us shooting of backwards followed by a round house kick sending us all flying.

I was about to move when suddenly Hathor followed up her previous attack I tried my best to avoid a head on attack however all I achieved was getting blasted at point blank.

Enhanced power state was incredible, it felt so intoxicating to have power flowing in at such a ridiculous rate and despite the major boost this state provided I lost my physical limit.

Healing was so fast that the pain was nothing to bare, never in my life had I felt more perfect.

Being a fanned flame was incredible any rock I hit turned into lava and I could fly however it was a massive waste of power.

Hathor was incredible to face of against, her speed was greater then ours and her perception was incredible being able to match any attacking rhythm that Saturn and Uranus joined me in.

Having an ice body seemed to have multiple downsides as every hit seemed to crack Uranus up, Saturn being water seemed to apply no damage and absorb the most damage effortlessly.

If we had the help of Cronos and Gaia I could make a plan to land a single blow on Hathor at the current rate I wouldn't even manage that much.

I struggled until we finally had Cronos join us and he was just what we needed he matched our rhythm and pushed back preventing Hathor physically beating us down.

Cronos was a master at physical combat and jumped in matching our rhythm, Hathor now had no way to counter strike as we left her no opening.

Despite the stalemate this was incredible to have achieved now all we needed was the slightest opening to break through Hathor's defence.

As Gaia dropped in Hathor started having small openings and the rhythm was now falling of from our counter offensive.

Gaia clashed with me and all 5 of us went flying backwards, I stopped my fall and rushed to Saturn then Uranus and lastly Gaia as I planned to have Gaia deal the decisive blow.

Cronos stood alone blocking 1 in 5 blows from Hathor and he still kept up his defence.

Saturn and Uranus jumped in interfering with the all out slug fest and finally Cronos could recover a bit.

I looked over to Gaia who nodded in agreement knowing what to look out for.

If all went correctly the first blow would give us all an opening to land heavy blows and keep it up till she breaks our offense.

I jumped in and once more we were at the perfect stalemate neither side giving or taking and in that instant Gaia came in from above she threw her all into a kick and in a shocking turn of events Hathor head butted the kick leaving no opening.

We all redoubled our efforts in the next wave and then Gaia landed a blow to Hathor's back.

Hathor flew forwards and we all piled on attacks going all our and it was in that instant I realized Hathor had not yet truly started fighting.

Hathor open 1 palm and the gravity pinned all 5 of us in an instant, then she stood before us and said "Well done that was a perfect little match. Now I can drop the powered up state."

The glowing aura dropped and expression returned to Hathor's face at which point all 5 of us looked to each other in bewilderment.

This was insanity Hathor wasn't insane she merely forced us to fight her all out to sharpen her reflexes for split second reactions.

My father looked at me with a stern expression on his face and said "Explain all this?"

I gave an awkward smile and said "I looked at all immortals memories and tried to see the future however every time we reached the fight with Ra on Isis's planet we were betrayed by Gaia. I then tried to see every out come of altering Gaia and found that if Saturn and Uranus beat her down and I beat her down a few more times before she was saved she would learn she isn't alone."

Saturn gave a look to me that said it all and then she asked "So why did you give us all such a heavy beat down?"

I seemed to be a little more awkward and took 2 steps back and said "Firstly I wanted to get back at both Uranus and Saturn for all trouble they give me second I wanted to show Jupiter and my dad I was fine and last but not least I wanted to punish Gaia and my father for letting me almost marry my nephew."

Everybody stopped dead as an atmosphere of tension could be felt, my dad and Jupiter were looking down avoiding eye contact with me and Gaia suddenly realized her mistake.

Uranus and Saturn were itchy to add salt to the wounds if they could and finally Uranus asked "Which nephew? Please explain?"

Saturn and Uranus were never given access to the information that made up other immortals secret families due to their own personal grudges however in this moment they were likely to acquire a lot of information.

I had used my gravity ability to lift us all of the ground heading to ship to continue the awkward meeting.

Jupiter had started explaining the process and reasoning behind the secret families then he explained that almost every family had a secret bloodline which never knew its parents.

They were given odd names and allowed to develop free of their parents influence and oddly enough the Cranel family was Cronos and Gaia's secret family and was only know due to Gaia.

Jupiter hid the family well and when they rose to the rank of worthy warriors Gaia had tested their blood to see who they were considering that the top rank in Ra's army were Jupiter's family, who could stand equal to them.

In the end Gaia found out that the Cranel family had Cronos's blood and her own and that is why they rose to such power.

The room had been filled with a serious atmosphere for almost an hour when suddenly someone entered and said "Hathor how did things go?"

Isis had entered the room and it was in that moment that Hathor stood up and said "I told you if you keep up fighting and bickering with me we could gain the united front."

I was shocked at just how much my daughter had improved as a person she was no longer the broken woman who lost her first love instead she was now a woman who could fight along side her family no matter the situation. Hathor stood up and said "When Yuri and Horas return trust me it will be difficult since both of them will be totally insane from the solitary lives they led for almost 10000 years so prepare yourself for a battle. By the way from what I saw Yuri will be at least 3 times stronger then me and Horas will be beyond even that so prepare to get really hurt."

This was no small brush over notice it was basically a declaration that we all had to prepare.

I then asked "So if you 2 knew all this why did you allow us to separate and then reunite?"

Isis replied "Yes that does seem odd however we going to need your dimensional rifts research to hide the main colony so Ra and Zeus don't find it. Next we needed Gaia fixed and last but not least we needed everyone to know how terrifying the future will be. Is that right Hathor?"

Hathor smiled and said "Well in due time will all be answered after all this is how the tale of immortality ends for all but 3."