Chapter 10 part 1 Delirium

I had been alone for well over 1000 years at this point and my training had reached an all time high.

The creation orb tetrahedron had been completely stabilized my power was now far greater then it had been before but the world around me still refused to yield.

I could fly again but the cost was outrageous it took me 8 tetrahedrons just to maintain flight.

I had kept working on my concentration daily and fortunately for me up to this point my delusions had not include Hathor or Cleopatra.

I could feel Yuri and knew Hathor Cronos was in the real world out there so those 2 should not appear.

I had just finished my daily meditation and standing before me was Jackie.

Jackie was in a long black pants with shoulder length hair, he wore no shirt or shoes and you could tell he was a warrior based on how his body was shaped.

Jackie spoke saying "You have yet to face the greatest levels of yourself that's why you gain power so slowly. Think carefully you know that things are off yet you still here in this loop. You know you won't find anything in this universe after all you know this isn't your universe."

I sighed and said "Why do my delusions have delusions. The only other universe is the 1 where I draw energy from for my technology so it's impossible to be in another universe."

Jackie countered "You know trying to change the main focus against your own thoughts its insane Horas."

I sighed loudly and said "Very well I'm stuck in this loop because I refuse to face Cleopatra and Hathor again. This universe is too old considering the amount of power I used all the universes outside this galaxy should look like babies however this place is ancient."

Walking up besides Jackie came Rameses and he said "Finally admitting to the faults you have. It isn't easy like when you cleared the Chakras this time they will manifest as what you call delusions however you will learn a painful lesson here very soon. For today try figuring out why you jumped universes so that we can have a better tomorrow."

I carefully walked over to the computer and started an analysis of the warp event and all that I found was 3 split second wobbles in my energy log signifying the warps I initiated.

I pondered on this for several seconds and rethought my thoughts during the warp and that's when it hit me I asked the creation power to save Yuri so if I opened a doorway the resulting blast of creation was likely what altered the warp.

When using gravity warping we turned the universe into a single point and shrunk everything before us filling the power in behind us during my warp I created time that's why I ended up in another universe.

That was it I needed to accelerate the ship to light speed and engage warp into an event horizon.

Before then I needed to work out all the variables, I needed to calculate the effects of every variable to the situation before using the ship.

I created nearly 100 drones and started plotting out the testing while working.

My training would only get harder from here after all the worst delusions would soon start.

My entire ship was filled with delusions as it stood on the 1 side stood the first people I met from Ra's army and several rebels who helped destroy the world.

On the other side stood Rameses, Jackie and Kaguya, it may seem odd but Helen didn't appear as a delusion and I suspected she would really lay into me if she appeared.

It was almost mid day on the ship and the computer started throwing up warnings as my brain activity kept climbing higher and higher meaning my delusions were becoming more cemented in my personality.

I was so far beyond the regular level of insanity that I knew I'd likely suffer with effects from this for a long time after I became sane.

I slowly drifted into sleep as I sat in front of the computer and in my dreams I felt Yuri the distant string that attached us still contacted us even though we were far away from each other and on this day I heard Yuri say "Horas if it was really you wouldn't you have saved me already?"

I woke up instantly and looked straight at the screen as a simulation had succeeded with opening a passage to another universe that lasted several seconds.

I read the readings and to my surprise this was no accident the probe vessel passed through the quantum realm and instantly moved to the next universe.

This was just the start and soon I could start heading out to learn where Yuri was.

I sent the next vessel through and as it crossed I noticed an even more scary realization the transition was across to yet another world if I intended to return to earth I needed to a way to navigate the passage.

I kept sending probes through and all I picked up were several more new universes and it was in that moment I realized there were likely infinite universes out there.

I heard the girlish laugh of 1 of my best friends ever as I realized the feat standing before me.

I turned around and before me stood Helen the 1 friend from my past who could see through me anytime she wanted to.

Helen walked over and sat on the table next to me and said "Seems like you ready to start truly escaping from here and I warn you the only thing you going to find through this is pain. You need to travel through a passage and see what happens to your powers it's a possibility that the quantum realm deafens your power. Then again it could strip you of power or enhance it and you need to learn it."

Helen was not like my regular pattern of delusion something about her was off. I sat at the console and to my surprise my brain was dropping its pace in cementing my memories that meant I was experiencing actual company.

I looked at Helen and said "What are you?"

Helen laughed at me and started slapping her thigh and said "You know for the guy who virtualized all our memories I'm surprised you didn't realize that you downloaded several memories and entire personalities over the past few years. Let's see your mind was so depressed it brute forced the commands through and brought our memories through the quantum link which is why your mind figured out what was going on long before you even figured it out. The only person you imagined was Alexander and ever since you've been pulling memories."

I looked around the room and realized what had been done and as I thought of the reverse process I realized if I reversed the memory load I'd become truly insane perhaps I should complete my study and rescue Yuri.

Reversing the memory download would leave my mind almost broken and force me to face the loneliness.

The memories were slowing down my mental progression and I knew that was all that they were.

I had been talking with Helen for days and prepared to wipe away all the memories however it was too soon to risk the insanity.

I looked down at the log of all the memories I had downloaded and noticed that when they were erased from my mind they were deleted from all storage.

I could bid farewell to everyone I lost and slowly erase them from my mind.

I was about to do this when I noticed the original members from Ra's army had not revived they were in stasis so why were their memories here and I'd they were here is they a possibility I could meet my first love again.