Chapter 10 part 2 Farewell

I had erased several people from my memories already at this point and had secured the mental link between myself and the storage till I was done.

It was now time to have 1 last chat with Rameses before I wiped his memories from all reality.

Rameses stood before me in a state of shock as he starred at me and said "Neurological remnants. That's what I am right?"

I replied "Well yup that's what you are Rameses."

Rameses shook his head and said "Stop this right now if you don't you going to loses your mind. Even if we died this is not the way to have a farewell plus if you keep this up you may end up dragging Cleopatra in here and then she will be completely gone and will never return."

My mind suddenly reached for Cleopatra and I rushed to destroy the link however I was too late 3 memories had been completely downloaded before I could remove the link.

Before my eyes stood Helen, Rameses, Jackie, Kaguya and Cleopatra.

I dropped to my knees as a feeling of extreme dread came over me I had no choice if I wished to figure a way out of this place I had to make peace and bid farewell to Cleopatra.

3 of the memories left the room and Rameses and Jackie remained looking at me with extreme guilt in their eyes.

Rameses seemed to muster up the courage first and said "Horas I guess we better get on to the farewell so get up and prepare to hear my last words in the end I suspect you will be in here with just Cleopatra and Helen. By the way your mind has slowed down with all this I hope you ready to get moving to the next universe."

It was mid day the next day and my head was spinning I wasn't sure what had happened but while talking to Rameses I passed out.

I woke up late and when I walked to my desk something wasn't right.

It was as if I hadn't punched in anything to deal with memories on the computer.

I started punching in commands and shockingly I had no access to people's memories so what in the world happened to me.

I checked out the probe logs and it looked like there was a distance travel and stop linkage so I needed to find the ship to return to my reality.

It was in this instant a second thing came to my realization I didn't have to search all the quantum space just the path within the limit of speed I could generate.

I plotted millions of courses set out across local area and the drones were being made rapidly.

I remembered that I concentrated everyday to grow stronger and today as I started the concentration was easier and progressed rapidly.

I had concentrated for no more then 30 minutes and as looked around I noticed that all 600 tetrahedrons we blinking red.

I concentrated to see what the red blinking was all about but nothing seemed to show up and then I opened my eyes.

Helen stood with Rameses before me and said "Your mind is totally broken be careful you may gain more power but you can't use it, then again what is real and what is not."

I pushed passed the 2 in front of me and plotted the ship to start jumping through universes.

The ship began loading sequence and it was in that moment I decided to do something more ridiculous and I decided to navigate the ship in the quantum realm to get to Yuri.

I was in an odd trance like state when I grabbed hold of the controls and I dived into the tetrahedron to control the navigation.

Everything went hazy and I was on the bridge talking to Rameses once again and he said "Horas you know your mind is totally fragmented you better prepare for a terrible awakening after all this. One more thing say good bye to all 6 of us and when you wake up you will be happy."

I looked at Rameses and said "When you died and I couldn't revive you I felt absolutely guilty like I failed. Then I was pissed that you dare abandon our quest, why did you choose death?"

Rameses looked at me and said "I honestly had enough of life after the Illumanati fell apart. You definitely know what I mean but I couldn't live pointlessly anymore so when death came I abandoned everything to escape the burden.

Cleopatra already choose to die and she would never be with you after what she did however she could never leave you so that would have been a mess. I also didn't want to watch what would unfold between you and my sister, I guess this is farewell!"

I shook Rameses hand and in the next instant he vanished.

Jackie then appeared by my side and looked at me with a sad look in his eyes and said "I never intend to have a farewell with you my friend but I guess now it will happen."

Helen suddenly faded and in her place was Kaguya, Jackie looked at Kaguya and took her hand before saying "Looks like our souls are still 1 after all this time."

I looked at them and asked "So why did you 2 choose death?"

Kaguya clenched her fist and gave me a bow then she replied "I never intended to die and I don't know how I died I know I was frustrated with life and wished things would change but I never wanted to abandon you. I knew death was endless nothing so I still don't understand why I died."

Jackie looked at me and said "You were the best friend I ever had. You brought me to a world beyond my imagination and I resolved to serve you till beyond the end of the world. I know why both myself and Kaguya didn't revive and I'm ashamed that I failed in such a manner. Lord Horas forgive me for losing heart and feeling like a burden on you."

I put my hand on Jackie's shoulder and I'm not sure if I was crying but I'm sure water was flowing and I said "There was nothing to forgive my friends. I was lonely without you 2 and I know life was tough when I protected you so intensely so I hope that moving on was easier on you both farewell my friends."

Both Jackie and Kaguya started to glow and fade away then Jackie said "We not the memories of your past friends we are their souls."

The room that was normally filled with delusions now only had 3 people in it first was Helen then Cleopatra and last but not least my first love Hathor.

I started to quiver at the site of my first love since I want nothing more then to talk to her once more.

Helen stepped forwards and said "I fell in love with you the moment you rescued me and no matter what I tried I couldn't have what I truly wanted. You could say I stayed dead due to rejection since I knew I'd never get what I truly wanted ever. So I guess it's farewell."

Helen did not vanish instead her cheeks turned red and her eyes began to tear as she said "Why didn't I disappear I was honest so why am I still here?"

I looked over to Helen and said "The reality of the situation was extremely different. Helen you were the only person who I could be honest with and it was for that reason that I could never be romantically involved with you plus you were married. I loved you in a way that was not fair to you and took from you endlessly without giving you what you wanted. I never told you that I loved your company and advice because I feared you would have wanted to marry me. I'm so sorry Helen!"

Helen blushed even more and ran up to me grabbing me by the collar and saying "Revive me I want to be 1 of your wives pretty please."

I gave an awkward smile to Helen and she let go of me cocked her head away from me and said "I see good bye."

Helen slowly faded out of site and before Cleopatra could say anything I opened my eyes.

Before me stood a huge jungle and my ship indicated 1 human life form nearby scans.

My body felt dizzy as if the hazy environment around me had started growing worse, analysing everything around me showed the plants emitted toxins continuously.

I walked out of the ship and on the ground was Yuri however her body was off colour and it looked like she was terribly sick.

I picked her up and everything started spinning around me.

I had somehow made it onto the ship and put Yuri into stasis then I walked over to my room and sat on my bed.

The world kept spinning and the delusions seemed to end but this confused feeling only grew stronger as if it were being forced into me from somewhere else.

I decided to meditate and try to find the answers however once I entered the tetrahedron this time I could not leave.

Red streaks covered the tetrahedron in an attempt to protect my mind from some threat.