Chapter 10 part 4 Cleopatra’s farewell

Cleopatra now stood before me with a blade impaling her body and said "I didn't abandon you! I would never abandon you! I was nothing but a burden on you! If I stayed with you I would just be a reminder of a bitch who gave her virginity to your torturer!"

I ground my teeth and scream "You think I gave a fuck about being tormented and hurt! You think I wanted you only because you were a virgin! I loved your company! I loved your smile! I loved how you toyed with me! I would love you even if I was the millionth man to touch you and you never let me tell you that! I didn't need to sleep with you I just needed you to be happy! I needed you to talk to me at the very least and you took that away from me!"

Cleopatra was crying at my yelling and so was I then Cleopatra said "I betrayed you in that labyrinth and you know that I betrayed you! I'm not talking about being rapped I'm talking about being captured so easily! I failed you as a partner, I wasn't worthy! Don't you dare lie to me now and say I was a good partner! You knew it didn't you? You knew I was weak and stupid? You knew …"

I couldn't stand much more and said "You were never meant to be that kind of partner! You weren't battle savvy or strong but you weren't stupid! Well not till you took your own life when you had so many other options!"

Cleopatra cried intensely and then she looked up at me and said "So how does this go?"

I looked at her and said "We both lay down under the stars and talk out our feelings then you will bid me farewell."

I looked up at the stars and asked "Do you understand what's going on?"

Cleopatra answered in a small voice "We are an odd existence you see every life imprints on those it bonds with so you could call us souls since we hold a person's essence and actual memories. You have powers so we a lot more potent then regular imprints and we get to learn from other imprints as you interact with the world around you."

I then asked "Was reviving you when I did a mistake and should I have released you from stasis?"

Cleopatra laughed and said "I was an absolute idiot and if you revived me and kissed me then told me you needed me I'd have married you and lived with you so you kind of fucked yourself over. The only other thing I can say is I'm happy you have her now after all she really turned your world around for the better. If you revived me now I'd only be jealous of my father's sister. Don't ever feel guilt for loving her more then me after all I would never be able to withstand eternity by your side. Just for a by the way Yuri is responsible for you being trapped in here her mind collapsed due to the poison and your bond imprisoned you. Good bye Horas so can I have a farewell kiss."

I looked at Cleopatra and said "Farewell and unfortunately I can't kiss you I'm married."

Cleopatra faded away standing before Horas was the first love of his life Hathor.

This was no easy meeting and I wanted to turn away and deny her existence.

I wanted Hathor to remain with me however I didn't care if this was just her presence I wanted her forever.

Hathor looked at me with a soft sweet smile and the landscape changed to my hut where we spent the night beneath the stars.

Hathor walked up to me and put her hand to my face then she said "Cleopatra didn't explain everything to you. Firstly we are part of you even after the farewell and when you finish your farewell with me you will be back with your wives and friends. The tetrahedron figured out how to navigate the multiple universes and pulled you back to the real world however along the way you made a few wrong stops and erased universes. Currently you are about to erase your own universe however if you get this farewell over with you will return to your body and will recover over a few centuries."

I looked at Hathor and started crying saying "I can't say farewell to you. You are the deepest part of my heart you are my everything."

Hathor put her hand on my head and said "I'm a reflection from the infinite labyrinth as were all the Horas who showed up to meet Hathor. You and I are still together you just never knew and when you regain this memory ask me about it."

Hathor dropped an arm around me and said "I maybe a reflection of Hathor Cronos but some parts of me are different I'm very much like Amun only I don't remember my other lives or have powers. Hathor Cronos touched your memories in the infinite labyrinth a long time ago and as a result your mind made 2 doppelgangers in the past. It's really complicated to explain and it's about time you started saying goodbye to me."

I looked at Hathor and said "I will I just don't have the heart to say what I need to just yet please talk to me a bit longer."

Hathor sighed and said "I guess it can't be helped you did wallow outside my tomb for decades when I died. So how about I tell you the story of how I fell in love."

The entire royal Court of Egypt had been summoned to the royal Court, today would be a wedding of special significance the Pharaoh would take a bride.

Hephaestus had left dozens of proposals at my door and I had promptly refused them all.

My father had explained to me that I was of marrying age and that I would have to find someone to marry or find someone to guard me once he died.

I didn't pay much attention to it at that moment and went to my room and dressed for the wedding. Weddings were first a social event then the highest ranked noble would perform the ceremony for those in his charge.

Rameses was Pharaoh so it was hard to imagine who would perform his ceremony.

I had merely skipped along my route to the royal Court and had noticed that the market in the lower section of the city was extra noisy today.

Some appointed noble had made a scene walking through the city and I had heard about this low life before some man named Allumic.

Rameses really respected him however I intended to set him straight today when he showed up at the ceremony.

I kept my distance from the hooligan and prepared my intimidation.

My father had arrived at the court moments before me and the 2 of us had a small conversation about who Allumic was, my father told me he was extremely wealthy and handsome, someone he too respected.

I only got more frustrated hearing that and I had my tongue lashing prepared, I'd intimidate him the moment he entered and he'd likely run off fearing execution since high cast nobility stood above lower cast nobility.

Rameses entered smiling and then he whispered something in my ear about don't fall for him on sight.

The doors were opened and standing in the doorway was a man who took my breath away.

The man wasn't absolutely fair however he was tanned and had a slim figure with extremely well defined muscles.

He had no facial hair and wore no make up to define his eyes like the others, his eyes were brown and so was his hair.

I wanted to marry this man however as I looked at Rameses saying to those around him that the man at the door was Allumic I gathered my courage and walked to him and said something.

I was so confused at my emotions and was about to grab this man and kiss him when Rameses showed up and explained he was higher on the noble ranking then me.

I turned red in the face considering what I was about to do and realized I'd be executed if I did that.

I scurried away and Rameses seemed to smooth over the situation at this point I did my best to hide behind my father so no one could see me.

The socializing had finished and the ceremony was under way, I was excited to watch Allumic and listen to him present the ceremony and finally at its conclusion I tried to leave.

Hephaestus showed up at the door and proposed yet again at which point I told him I will never marry him and walked away to have Rameses grab me and tell me to go to the side room Allumic wants to talk to you.

I was terrified at the prospect and looked for my father but he was gone.

I was a dead women if I didn't apologize and worse still I wanted this man for myself but I made such a bad impression how was I going to fix my mess.

I walked into the room made a little prayer that I humble myself enough and that I some how impress the man I insulted and earn his favour so I could propose.