Chapter 10 part 5 Farewell my beloved

I paced around for what felt like an eternity and Allumic entered the room his face was red.

I looked at him and I was so nervous as I blurted out an apology.

Allumic replied and left me stunned did some immortal answer my prayer and have him fall in love with me.

I said a few more things and he answered in a way that I never expected he didn't want my body or a convenient tool he wanted a true partner.

I don't know what came over me but I hugged him and smacked him all the while I wanted to grab hold of him and kiss him.

I followed this man for a while then he went out of the city and I think I may have messed up again.

I walked home so sad that you could have mistaken me for having a plague.

When my father saw me he asked me what happened and I explained to him what I had done.

My father laughed at me and explained to me that Allumic was a gifted hunter who lived outside the city so he didn't avoid me he likely just went to his hunting hut.

The next day I woke up early and waited for Allumic to come negotiate the courting times however he didn't come.

I had gotten really depressed and my father had explained that sandstorm effect the times Allumic entered the city but I still didn't care he clearly didn't care about me.

It was late nearing the end of day and Allumic was downstairs talking to my father he planned to court me at this time and have me back in a few hours.

My father asked him if he intended to make him grandchildren and Allumic said it was way to soon for that.

After my father made Allumic extremely uncomfortable, telling him what to do if he wanted to have children I walked down and rescued Allumic.

I was still angry and considered giving up on courting him however I just couldn't say it.

Allumic said a lot of flattering things to me as we walked to the gates.

He said he needed to come clean and tell me his secrets so he took me out to his hunting hut and walked on down to dune in the desert.

The dune seemed to be hiding some kind of amazing magic then Allumic told me his real name was Horas and that he was the child of an immortal.

I laughed at the idea just how far would he go to try and win my favour back.

I was rushed out of his magic cave and then he took of his shirt started of to plunge his sword into his chest.

I reacted so quickly that my hands were pulling the blade away from him before I knew it.

I was really worried he would be hurt and watched the small cut on his chest heal.

I was crying and it was only then that I realized I don't want to see him hurt, I expressed myself and suspected I'd like to say more.

Horas took me on trips with his magic cave and it flew in the air.

I don't remember when it was but at some point I said I loved Horas however that could have been right in the start or when we lay beneath the stars looking at the sky.

Horas had proven to me that he was immortal saving me from a lion and then he told me that he wasn't a God just a very long living smart human.

Everything was a blended mist and then I saw him hurt protecting my family he had snakes poison him and lay unconscious for half a day.

It was at this point I decided to protect him after all there was a look in his eyes that scream out in pain.

On the day of my wedding to Horas I found Hephaestus saying he would obliterate Horas reducing him to ash if he couldn't have my virginity.

Hephaestus burnt everything in the room and turned his weapon to me and I welcomed the death however Hephaestus found my weak point and told me how he would torture Horas.

I stopped resisting Hephaestus and let him take me.

Hephaestus said we were free to leave now that he got what he wanted.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but first I needed to get Horas away safely.

I arrived at my wedding and before the ceremony could be finished I noticed a man diving at Horas with a blade and I instinctively pulled him out of harms way.

The man drove his knife into my chest and fled from the scene and Hephaestus smiled as I was dying.

If I exposed the reality Horas would be harmed so I kept my mouth shut and died not telling Horas what had happened.

That's the tale of my first and only love and the true difference between me and Hathor Cronos.

I looked at Hathor besides me and knew this was the moment of our farewell it was time to speak.

I put hand on he face and said "I know what you did to protect me and I know I should have been more vigilant but I failed. I was a lazy immortal who was content with towering over mortal skill and strength. If I had been more dedicated to my training you would never had died. I should have …. I should have …. I should have…. I couldn't protect you because I was weak. I lacked resolve and relied on my immortal body as a weapon and thanks to that I lost you."

Hathor embraced me and said "Stop saying that. You had no reason to become stronger. You had no reason to be smarter. You had no reason to train harder. You needed me to die so you could grow stronger."

The words were true and I cried so loudly that my heart felt sore.

I put my other hand on Hathor's face and put my forehead to her forehead.

I closed my eyes and tears rolled down my face and then I said "I can't say farewell to you. You the only person I could never bid farewell to."

Hathor started to glow all of a sudden and I gripped her arms tightly trying to hold her and she said "Open your eyes and kiss me!"

The delusions pulled away and I was out in space with multiple creation orbs in front of my hand.

Hathor was hold my face and then she kissed me and said "Welcome back my love."

This was Hathor Cronos my wife and the kiss was real I felt the sensation on my lips.

The orbs started to disappear from my hand and as I looked around I saw Cronos, Isis, Gaia, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Yuri standing in what looked like debris from several large planets.

My head started to spin and everything started to go blank.

I woke up in a room on my ship the last thing I remembered was opening a warp to escape the event Horizon I created.

Next to me was Yuri and on the other side was Hathor who was wide awake starring at me intently.

I looked at Hathor and asked "How did we beat Amun's prophecy."

Hathor put her hand on my cheek and said "You didn't from what the computer reported you were in parallel dimensions for a little over 16000 years and were with Yuri for only 2000 years. Yuri ingested an extremely dangerous toxin and as a result your mind was corrupted by its effects leading to massive memory loss. I've been without you for little over 30 years so I'm glad you back."

Hathor wrapped me in a tight embrace and then I heard Yuri's thoughts saying "So much pain! So much pain! Why is Horas in so much pain!"

I turned about and shook Yuri lightly and her eyes opened and she embraced me saying "The last thing I remembered was our fight with Ra and Zeus then my mind gets fuzzy and remember hearing your thoughts screaming out in pain saying please don't leave me."

Hathor quickly interjected and said "You both have been through a lot if you jog your memories you may not be able to handle the memories."

I looked at Yuri as she seemed puzzled by the occurrence and then I asked "Is the event horizon still holding?"

Hathor dropped her head while looking towards me and said "Ra and Zeus destroyed Purgatory and are currently hunting for the Etherials its been just over 34 years since you imprisoned them. They were free 14 years ago and Ra fought me and discovered new powers while Zeus learnt to use light. The 2 killed our decoy settlement and we currently only have 1 liveable planet since Ra and Zeus destroyed all the terraformed planets they found."

I shivered at the thought and clenched my fist tight I had screwed up badly now we had no way to defeat Zeus and Ra I didn't buy time for our victory I bought time for our defeat.