Chapter 1 part 3 Hate

Raphael stood there for several minutes watching us and then he said "Horas you feel no resistance and your power is willing to submit I strongly suggest you stop now before you lose control. You have too many emotions and aren't ready to hone your emotions as yet plus you have no goal so your power is wasted."

I suddenly felt disheartened and dropped my concentration at which point Fariel appeared before me.

The angel put on his pose and said "Why don't you fight Marliel again there will be a 3 hour break after this lesson."

Raphael looked over to Fariel and said "Take him but make sure Marliel has fully recovered by the time the other 2 arrive we can't have the training ruined."

Fariel looked to me and said "Take me to Marliel."

I used my power and warped away instantly and Marliel looked excited as I arrived.

Before I could even move Marliel was on the offensive so I remembered the lesson and turned my tetrahedrons to physical strength without a midway control.

I dodged the first blow and blocked the second barely knocking it off and then the exchange continued for several seconds at which point I attempted to strike Marliel however the hit hand no effect and then I received a punch to my stomach.

Yet again I was torn to pieces with just that 1 hit however I held to my consciousness and attempted to heal.

Blood poured out of my mouth and rushed back in as I tried to heal my bones connected and split in an instant and my muscles reattached and ripped up instantly.

Fariel stood next to me and said "You took far less damage this time plus you have more power at your disposal try to improve yourself."

Fariel stood still and Marliel backed away marching on effortlessly.

I was still unable to move and after sitting there struggling for almost an hour Fariel said "You using the power in a far to wide area if you did a single point at a time you'd recover much faster. Reduce your healing range and you can overcome creation destruction. If you were as weak as a mortal you'd be instantly evaporated by that punch however immortals can reform if erased haphazardly so you will return. To destroy an immortal you must focus all your power into points and erase their creation."

I started to concentrate on my eyeball and within seconds I could see again then I healed my ears.

In less then 5 minutes my body was healed enough to move and I concentrated on any pain I had left healing up the other injuries.

Since Horas left Raphael had locked his focus on me.

I could barely keep the focus after all I had destroyed all Horas's efforts how was I worthy of his favour.

I never felt this terribly about having Horas around but considering my actions I felt even worse.

I remembered my future projection telling me don't do it the cost would be greater then could be explained.

I couldn't resist 10 days without falling to temptation and becoming desperate, my mind was such a mess that even thinking of the spot before Raphael was too much.

Raphael spoke in a stern tone saying "Hathor if you can't keep to slight discipline you will only be a burden. If you hung up on your past guilt all you will face is endless failure. You need to face up to your mistakes try to face Horas and confess to why you did what you did. Horas will feel hurt and may get upset but you must learn to face it. Yuri you simply need to accept it was beyond your control. You were unfaithful in your desires from Horas and when you let him know I have no idea how he will react. You simply need to let the truth out."

Raphael had no facial expressions but I could tell he was completely at a loss with our insanity.

Myself and Yuri failed for the next 3 hours at which point Marliel, Fariel and Horas appeared before us.

The stood before us and then Raphael spoke "Fariel do what you can things are extremely difficult here."

I looked to Hathor and Yuri and realized that they had a tougher time then me with the concentration at this point Fariel was about to make us under go his training to sort out our emotional baggage.

Fariel spoke saying "Horas you going to be needed for your talk with both girls plus you still have tons of memory to recover."

Raphael vanished almost instantly and it was then that Marliel said something that I barely heard I made out only 3 words in my own shock war, coming and singularity.

Fariel locked his gaze on me and his lenses turned clear as he said "We will explain in time for now it is beyond you."

Hathor and Yuri passed me a gaze and then Fariel took up his regular pose and said "Hathor and Horas sit before me. Yuri talk to Marliel he needs to calm his nerves. Hathor you and Horas need to air out your feelings however do not object to the other person or ease their emotion let them come to terms with it."

Hathor looked me in the eye and said "I ruined all your efforts, I destroyed the universe and our universe will die soon. I couldn't find the strength to resist being without you for a few short years. I gave in to temptation so easily and I don't want you to be with me any more I'm worse then before."

My heart ached hearing that and I felt tears roll down my face I wanted to fight the statements I wanted to comfort Hathor but I couldn't.

Hathor was extremely hurtful and I wanted to help her still so I decided to be honest and said "I have grown deeper in love with you Hathor and this isn't from absence and fondness I love you so strongly it erased my past love from me somehow. Now you are 1 of 2 who make up all the love I have, I don't know why I changed or how this makes things different. I know it's my burden to bare so feel free to reject my love or let me earn a place like this in your heart."

Hathor looked me in the eye and then Fariel spoke "Horas you seem to understand the idea perfectly and you will be given a chance to reconnect. Hathor you still have a lot to learn and it is for that reason that you should not try to make up with Horas. The hell you have will only bring him down and slow his progress. Now ponder on that and think about your flaws Hathor."

Hathor looked at me with a face so full of pity and shame that I wondered if there was more that she hide and then I said "If you have more to say wait till you ready. You barely processing what you saying."

Fariel held his regular pose and said "Okay perfect Hathor go spar with Marliel and let Yuri in."

I felt the extreme pain just hearing spar with Marliel but I knew it was necessary.

Yuri sat across me and Fariel repeated "Yuri you and Horas need to air out your feelings however do not object to the other person or ease their emotion let them come to terms with it."

Yuri gritted her teeth and said "Horas I got desperate and had an affair on you in my hallucinations and want you to fulfil my desires. So please…."

Fariel interjected "No not that kind of being out right. Express your feelings properly."

Yuri sighed and said "I'm pissed that Horas screwed up. I'm pissed that I was left all alone for thousands of years to go mad. I can't believe that Horas screwed up that last ditch attempt and put us in actual hell. I suffered millions of times over due to that little fuck up. I couldn't improve or be of any use because I was poisoned. I returned to reality for my indiscretions to be made clear. How else am I to express this."

Fariel lifted his hand towards me to stay silent and said "You need to ponder those thoughts learn your truth and then speak again till then don't face Horas."