Chapter 1 part 4 Progress

Fariel ushered Yuri to go to Marliel and in an instant I heard a loud thud signifying Yuri was down.

Fariel turned to me with his pose and said "Your memories are a mess enter the 2 tetrahedrons you have access to and order the easy memories in place. Then start adding the delusions in and then the confusing emotions. This won't be enough but as you keep reliving to a point and going forwards more power will open to you."

I looked to Fariel 1 more time and closed my eyes doing as instructed.

The memories slotted in easily for the first few thousands of years with small gaps in between then my had large gaps and then I rescued Yuri.

Then things got really weird I witnessed myself wielding 12 creation orbs and erasing universes it served 2 purposes as far as I could tell.

Firstly I erased unnecessary stops on my way back to reality and second it was good training learning to erase things.

I went into the odd images and overlapped the emotion and suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my chest.

It was emotional pain from releasing a memory, no it was more then that it was weird it felt real more real then any hallucinations.

For a brief second I felt nearly 600 tetrahedrons and the 2 tetrahedrons I had access to felt amplified.

I opened my eyes and Fariel asked "Do you have questions about those memories?"

I looked back and asked "What were those memories or real interactions or something else?"

Fariel dropped the stand of pose and entered a creepy smile and said "Those are people who interacted with you through the infinite labyrinth. Hathor honestly messed up in a huge way originally you would have died however now the universe can no longer destroy you so you are immortal."

The words were a bit of a stinger since I figured I could remove my immortality 1 day and live a mortal life.

There were bits of the memory where I talked to Jackie and Kaguya spanning hundreds of years.

The actual pace of the memory was slow almost snail like however once I compressed the memory I understood what I had done.

For the most part my memories outside the farewell were drone like with the tetrahedrons controlling my body.

I watched as I set programs to detect abnormal energy spikes in other universes then I watched as my probes recreated the warp through universes giving an endless list of map sites to enter.

The database was set to be completely erased leaving only my memory as proof of the other universes.

I activated manual control on the ship and had found my way to Yuri.

The ship obeyed my manual command and ended up in Yuri's solitary confinement.

The sudden spell of feeling across the bond we shared made me dizzy and then I opened my eyes looking at Fariel.

Fariel nodded to me took up his regular pose and said "You saw the insanity as it started but now is the time to explain what lies beyond. Your tetrahedrons obeyed a singularity called the creator and extended both your power and the creators power. If you master creation your power will be uncontrollable by others however I warn you that other singularity users can absorb you into them if they find you."

I got up and walked towards Marliel and as I reached the doorway Marliel had thrown a punch at my face.

I concentrated all my power into the tip of my knuckle and blasted Marliel's arm to the side.

The barrage continued as I kept up the light defence the single point was more efficient then using my power over a large area.

Despite my efforts turbulent winds started to rock my body from behind and in the next instant I failed to knock Marliel's punch away so I diverted my power to defence.

The punch impacted hard and I basically fell to the ground however this time the damage was far less.

My organs were ripped and my bones broken however it was far less then last time.

For an instant I swear I heard Marliel say "Such unbelievable progress just a little more."

I still couldn't move or instantly regenerate.

I focused the healing and shockingly in less then 10 minutes I was back on my feat.

Marliel was exactly 25 times stronger then me and as I got up I said "Let's go again."

Fariel stepped out of the house behind him and said "Marliel can not since he is out of power."

Fariel raised his hand and then I heard "Tamiel its time for you to train these 3."

I looked at Fariel and said "Why can I hear your angel speech?"

Fariel looked at me and said "I'm surprised you haven't learnt that the more you understand creation as a power the more you can learn. The language of angels is creation."

The angel Tamiel suddenly descended in a shocking way.

Tamiel appeared to be a child of no more then 5 years of age and was dressed in white robs.

Tamiel looked over at me and said "You will be my solo student today. I use creation wind and as a result this tiny body is the form I use. I warn you that unlike elemental creation using the orb to create power is extremely dangerous since it is compressed and extremely dense creating only itself."

Tamiel lifted his hand and wind struck me instantly, my body was cut apart instantly like millions of tiny blades ripped through me.

Tamiel looked at me as I fell over and said "Despite using this power it can not permanently kill an immortal. If you wish to use it on an immortal you must compress it through another orb. Now heal up and then use the power."

My blood flowed out of my body then rapidly shot back in and the pain was extremely sharp.

The healing started with putting my bones back together then I fixed my skin and in just under 9 minutes my body was completely healed.

I stood up put my hand to the air and created wind compressing it as far as I possibly could.

Tamiel shook his head and said "Create a creation orb or you can't use the power."

I stood there pulling my power into a condensed speck and then I released the gust of wind however my gust lacked concentration of range and was more like a light breeze.

Tamiel looked at me with disappointment and said "Pathetic you lack power or concentration so your power is pathetic see you tomorrow."

Tamiel flapped his wings and slowly flew away.

I looked back and both Yuri and Hathor were still plastered to the floor slowly healing up.

I walked over to Yuri and picked her up then walked over to the coach where she sat and laid her on the seat.

I walked back out and picked up Hathor and as I did I felt like kissing her however we clearly had problems to overcome.

I walked with her in my arms over to her coach and laid her out.

Fariel suddenly popped in behind me and said "They both totally unconscious if you want you could kiss them both would truly want it."

I kept looking at Hathor and said "I don't care if I can't kiss or touch them I just want to see them smiling and happy again."

Fariel replied "You truly need to learn some selfishness. I suggest you plunge into your memories once more."

Fariel was oddly specific about my problem and then I jumped into meditation.

I watched my farewell with both Jackie and Kaguya then I opened my eyes it was likely several hours later since both Hathor and Yuri had left.

I started to relax and slowly drifted of into a deep slumber.