Chapter 1 part 5 The purple haze

I awoke from my deep sleep and Fariel sat before me and said "You will not be attending training with the other 2 for a few day. Instead we will be working on getting you more selfish."

This was not going to be easy I needed to change a fundamental characteristic and be selfish I understood part of my problem was my lack of command in creation.

Creation responded to the will of its user so if the user thought of other people's will it would react in such a way to benefit another, I needed to have an easy to use absolute will so I had to forgo empathy.

Fariel gave orders as follows "Horas think what it is you seek? Now think of the actions that can gain your objective? Now choose only the path that you are satisfied with."

I thought of my desire and started to go deeper in I craved sex like any other person, I craved affection, I wanted to forgo all rules.

Thinking of my paths I could wait for Yuri and Hathor or I could press them, I could shower them with affection or I demand it, I needed no rules I was the rules.

I repeated this with every thought I had and then I repeated the entire process.

It didn't change me or my behaviour it just gave me an alternative true personality to use in combat and for now it needed strengthening.

I continued pushing myself for hours then I heard Fariel say "Return to your memories and grow them further. Dive in and dig out even more power, now you command the power use your selfish self to control your power."

I kept up the meditation and suddenly my memory got jumbled.

The memory I entered was odd and had the entire world dazed.

The trees around me were purple or the mist around the trees were purple.

The environment was toxic and I was being poisoned as I ran through the mist.

I looked through the ground with this pounding feeling telling me Yuri was close.

I rushed through and then I found her, the poison was so persistent that it turned her skin purple and left her completely unconscious.

The toxin held Yuri tightly removing her consciousness from reality and her pain was so great that it couldn't stop.

The poison crippled me through a shared effect from Yuri's bond with me.

The poison was likely some form of creation in itself meaning that toxin was intelligent.

I watched as I carried Yuri to the ship the toxin was now compounding my minds pain and then I tried with all my might to have her healed however the poison was so strong that it had done a number on my mind.

I opened my eyes and started coughing up purple liquid the poison was still in me.

Fariel jumped back and out came 2 black orbs then the second turned into a concentrated black flame and destroyed the purple liquid.

Fariel looked at me with surprise and said "You lucky that poison didn't kill you. It's similar to us angels and it seems that when your power awoke to its nature you drove it out of your body. Be very wary if you cough it up destroy it without hesitation."

I looked to Fariel and said "There is an entire container filled with this on the ship going to save humanity."

Fariel turned a hand out to the sky and said "Your training now has a time limit and Raphael and myself will purge Yuri of any such contamination."

That sounded intensely painful I looked for where Yuri was but there was no sign of her.

My mind started pounding intensely and I didn't just feel the 600 tetrahedrons but I could now use them.

I started to stand next to Fariel however the power of 600 tetrahedrons active felt more like being weighed down then empowering.

Fariel looked to me with a disappointed look and said "Your power must be concentrated and then you must contain tetrahedrons till you ready for them now start creating creation orbs."

The small black particles developed above my head and then I started to focus it inwards and the orb vanished.

The power of the orb was now containing the overwhelming weight of the rest of my power.

I started trying to make a second however my head started throbbing like it was being bashed extremely hard into the ground.

Fariel looked down at me and said "So this is your current limit how ironic, you currently unbelievably powerful. The power within you could obliterate anything however as it stands your full power is greater then just your mind and body can withstand. 1 creation orb is all you can create due to your minds fragmentation after that is healed you will be at full power."

I started walking and 5 tetrahedrons were connected together to give me strength then I connected another 5 and gained speed.

I repeated the process and created a shield, fire and water.

If I continued to connect more tetrahedrons I wondered if I could become more powerful just as I did that my tetrahedrons started to become unstable.

I was stuck at my current proficiency and I needed this training more now then I ever did before.

Raphael suddenly appeared before me and then rapidly vanished with Fariel.

I concentrated on Yuri and warped towards them.

Raphael and Fariel popped up in front of me and suddenly black flames coursed through my body.

The fire was intensely hot and as the I thought this was the worst black water flowed into me.

I wanted to scream this was torture however at this point purple liquid started gushing out my eyes, nose and mouth.

The creation fire and water now pulled out of my body and then my head ached so badly.

Raphael and Fariel seemed to run out of power then Horas jumped forward with a creation orb and fire and evaporated the purple liquid.

Raphael and Fariel looked to me and in unison said "That was a poison eroding your mind and we had to destroy it the universe is now in even greater danger. Should Ra or Zeus find these being our universe may face utter eradication much like the power of creation itself."

Horas then asked "Didn't you say our universe would end soon. So why would this make any difference?"

Fariel dropped his pose and sighed then he said "The universe of a singularity never dies it's the source of their power. The universe as we know it will end then the universe will be reborn and repeat its growth. If any Etherious or Etherials survive the universe will not recreate their kind. Humanoid life often appears then rapidly disappears however sometimes the humanoid life survives to the end of the universe only to move on to another. Etherious and Etherials don't have the luxury of leaving we must be erased by the singularity to be reborn."

Everyone seemed dumbfounded by this and then Hathor said "The universe won't reappear after this fight. Horas needs to acquire more power by spreading his influence or there will never be a new universe."

All eyes were on Hathor who said the unthinkable then Raphael struck Hathor knocking her out.

Horas seemed to almost attempt to strike Raphael when Fariel said "That was the singularity of another universe speaking through Hathor. It seems that Hathor tried to use the infinite labyrinth to find out about a previous universe. Unfortunately she hit the boundary and when she wakes you 3 will undergo more rigorous training."

My head throbbed rapidly and suddenly I felt guilt and regret.

My memories warped and reshaped over and over again then I remembered something.

I had been nursing the forest back to life when the purple haze started growing stronger.

The haze at first felt like an acid then it started to change and felt like small pins however that wasn't the end.

In time the purple haze infected my entire body and rendered me immobile while trying to break me down into nutrients.

I remember the struggle being pointless as I was crippled then Horas arrived and carried me to the ship and left.

I remember watching through Horas's eyes as he used 12 creation orbs to erase the universe.

The 12 orbs took on no form they did not glow or shine however in the next second everything was gone.

The 12 orbs settled around Horas's head and then he started traveling on in a primal manner as if he was not in control.

I had carried both Yuri and Hathor back to the house however this time I was exhausted and I could hear the Etherials talking.

The other universes Etherials were here to destroy us.

They discussed the power differences and it seemed that these Etherials were different having infinite stamina but a very tiny power.

I lay on the coach exhausted from the weight of the tetrahedrons and then it came to me the Etherials from the other universe may have tried to use my power so my mind scrambled itself.

From what I could tell I recovered from isolation sickness shortly after rescuing Yuri.

I pondered on the situation and had an odd revelation the purple liquid were the equivalent of immortals from our universe.

That meant that among the surviving purple liquid was their equivalent of me.

I was about to say it when I heard Fariel say "That is an even scarier possibility imagine if Ra merges with a being truly capable of using Etherials power he could defeat you Horas."

I dropped my head and asked "Is there a God out there?"

Raphael answered this time saying "Indeed that is a good question, the only thing I know is some singularity would call itself a God and another singularity would slay it. If you succeed at either task you may get the answer you seek."

I looked at the endless white outside and closed my eyes laying down on the coach.