Chapter 1 part 6 Echoes

I was dreaming and this time I saw Cleopatra, for some reason I didn't feel my heart burning with regret instead it felt peaceful.

I looked at Cleopatra as we spoke and then it seemed as if she was crying and so was I.

Everything was bright like a beautiful starlit night and it was then that I woke up and looked to the 2 couches beside me.

I wanted to take both my beautiful wives on a date to help ease up their hearts and minds.

I got up and looked at the sleeping Yuri, I walked up to her got her beautiful hair out of her face and said "I wish I only said this now but I love you so much."

Yuri was unbelievably beautiful and was an amazing young woman.

I looked on her with nothing but pure love and wanted to give her a kiss but currently both my wives hated me.

I walked over to Hathor and I sat before her couch and said "You have always been a pain in the but to deal with, kissing me the very first moment you set your eyes on me. I remember when you were in my bed waiting for me and ended up kicking me out of my own room. You were bossy and mean yet you were so passionate and warm. I loved you when I met you and I know I loved you not the idea that you looked like my first love. I loved you from the moment I first locked eyes with you and I don't care if loving you is the death of me I will love you and pamper you all the same. You know your words really cut deep, I felt like screaming at you and as much as I know you would love a kiss I can't give you 1 because you will hate the person I love most of all."

I walked back to my couch laid down and started doze of once more I had just got into a deep sleep when I swear I felt someone kissing me.

I had woke up and walked out of the little house and looked up at the sky.

No matter how hard I looked there was nothing to be seen.

I knew we were within a pocket dimension of our universe but it should still have stars.

My dream had made me a bit nostalgic and the beautiful sight I had seen was no longer a possibility since earth was gone.

I was now laying on the ground and realized the ground beneath me was a plasma solid.

I started to ponder why there was no sun in the sky as well and then it dawned apon me this was a star not a planet.

It was odd that Fariel and Raphael didn't show up since they were so adamant about the training needing to be hurried.

I noticed that the voices of Etherials speaking to 1 another had also stopped and then I saw Fariel appear before me.

Fariel looked at me with a straight face and said "I see you no longer can sleep for more then minutes at a time."

I pondered the question and realized that what I believed to be hours of sleep was a few minutes and now I felt like I had slept a complete night.

Fariel got into his pose and said "You are certainly correct this is a star however I must inform you that we do not read minds. You are the commander of our creation powers as such your thoughts are always audible to us."

I looked back to Fariel and asked "Could I grant you all autonomy and make you free?"

Fariel didn't change his pose and asked "Imagine if mortals had our powers and quirks what mayhem would it unleash."

The answer was simple if the angels were free they would go extinct instantly.

I had nothing better to do then train so I started reviewing my memories.

I sat outside the house and reviewed my memories over and over again slowly fixing my memories up to the point I bid farewell to Jackie and Kaguya.

The memories were perfectly ordered however the emotions were extremely chaotic as if there were multiple instances occurring around me.

I couldn't understand all this at all and as I dived deeper into figuring out this situation all I did was waste time.

The memories of 10000 years were no small trifling amount of time it was half my life.

I started to concentrate once again and this time I saw a memory that should have sent chills down my spine Rameses was speaking to me and the words mentioned were something I knew inspired fear in me in the past.

What in the world had changed in me did I face my pain regarding Cleopatra or worse did I gain some power to live an alternative life.

I opened my eyes and nobody seemed to have arrived as yet so I started to train with enhancing my physical strength I compressed my power fiercely compared to yesterday I was compressing 5 powers and holding the concentration.

If I was inefficient why not learn to extend my concentration and then compress further.

I kept the strength concentrated and then I enhanced my physical durability followed by my powers.

The training felt rather intense at first but after several hours my power started growing more controlled.

I pulled more tetrahedrons into my power and despite the instability the power was still usable.

I was slightly more powerful then normal and undoubtedly had enough of an edge to actually injure an angel in training.

Despite all my training the moment Fariel returned he brought Marliel and Tamiel I started to freak out imagining the torture to come.

Fariel looked to me and said "Raphael has already made his way to teach the other 2 today you will speak with them as part of their training. You on the other hand have progressed so you will face of against Marliel and Tamiel till they are depleted then you may get a new teacher."

I dropped my powers and defence only focusing my power on strength.

The power was now more compressed into my strength to the point that it felt like a pin point.

Marliel charged in and instead of evading or punching him away I countered his first strike with a punch of my own.

A blast wave emitted and knocked both of us back I started healing all injuries instantly.

Despite the blow being head on 6 tetrahedrons seemed enough to knock back the effects.

I instantly grasped for an extra tetrahedron in strength and the power unbalanced.

Our next strike hit and both of us didn't move instead the full force of the strength ripped through my body and I dropped to my knees.

I healed up rapidly and tried to get back to my feat but I still took almost 2 minutes to recover.

Marliel had wounds inflicted on his hand from our last exchange.

I had undoubtedly progressed however next as Tamiel and his compressed wind.

I repeated the process and in the next instant Tamiel leapt up into the sky and blasted his compressed wind power at which point I replied in kind.

The wind clashed with my single slash and then I had a rain of tiny cuts hit my hands.

The damage was not as drastic as yesterday however it still required full focus to heal.

Fariel looked at me and said "Impressive now you just need to concentrate the power. You will not undergo another drill till you can create another creation orb and regardless of the destruction you will not be allowed to enter the battle with Ra till then."

I kept trying to stack more tetrahedron on while attacking away yet no matter how much I tried it seemed to lack the earlier refinement.

I decided to keep 1 stack of 7 tetrahedrons while keeping the rest at 6.

My mind started to tire extremely quickly as if the concentration was well beyond my limit.

Fariel looked at me without putting on his pose and said "Your mind is way to stressed you should sleep and then join me for Hathor's training with you."

My mind was adapting so I lay on the ground holding my concentration and slowly drifting into sleep.

In the midst of my sleep the concentration broke and my mind felt extremely heavy then I saw Hathor.

This was not my wife but my first love and I only heard her ask Hathor how I am truly her.

I woke up and the concentration restored the moment I had enough consciousness.

The power was much more stable yet it was still quite the effort.

I opened my eyes and sat up looking at Hathor and without even thinking I asked "How were you the Hathor I first met?"

Tears rolled down Hathor's face and she said "I tried to connect to your emotions to see how much you loved me and ended up creating an echo of myself. Forgive me for the pain I caused you."

Shivers ran down my back as I recalled all the pain that Hathor went through and before I could say anything Hathor said "I also created 2 echoes of you and sent them to my past. I know it was cruel to do that but those memories are why your mind is burdened."