
Without any warning, Lucien took Aiden's hand and clasped it tightly. There was no need for words, Aiden felt his worries washed away from that single look Lucien is giving him.

He hung his head low and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Will you promise to always stay with me?" The little protagonist asked, his voice so small it could have floated with the wind, unheard.

"Of course," Lucien reassured him.

"Okay..." When the little protagonist's chest was revealed, Lucien remembered the central point the book pointed. He located it without difficulty. He takes a deep breath before resigning to pressing the seed into the little protagonist's chest.

At first, Aiden felt nothing. The seed disappeared into the depths of his body. Little by little, he felt the force of the strange power curling in his veins. Aiden stumbled and grasped his chest. His blood is boiling and his body temperature felt hot. It's like there are two forces fighting inside his body.