
"Master..." The demon spirit helplessly called out. Pleading for the higher demon to spare its measly life.  


"How frustrating." But the man rambled on. The more he grumbled, the more pressure was exerted on the demon spirit's neck.  "Pl -


please, ha - ha - have mercy."  


"Do you know how ridiculous it is for someone with my status to mingle with these lowly maggots? They boast of their meager strength, not knowing how insignificant their lives are, acting so mighty when in fact they're nothing." 

The demon spirit could not hold on much longer. It's mouth, eyes, and ears started to bleed. Its fingers are shaking terribly. Its neck is five inches away from breaking its spine.

The demon spirit's host's body started to crumble from the higher demon's power. The demon spirit wracked its brain.