Survivor Slayers

Lucien really wanted to pass out from the pain. But what can he do? He had already reached that stage before. Back then, it was far worse since he was literally cut up to be sacrificed. 

Compared to that, this is nothing. 

Lucien was lying on the ground, shivering from the rapid loss of blood from his hands. Because of his shot leg, Keith was immobile. Alicia is also down. Lucien is  contemplating what Keith is thinking. 

The look in his eyes is not that of someone who is in crisis. It was cold malice. The same look he wore when Lucien and Keith first met. Lucien can't forget the evil smile he wore when he made those five thieves kill themselves.

What was Lucien supposed to do now? Lie down and wait? Yeah, maybe he should. He was a weak, scaredy cat who trembled in fear just by seeing extreme violence. 

"Euurghh." Lucien clutched his palms closer to his chest. He groaned a little loud for everyone to hear.