Survivor Slayers 2

Survivor Slayers…? 

Where did Lucien heard that title before?

Right! The leaderboard. The little protagonist's title was also a Survivor Slayer.

[The 3 newly acquired abilities are now available. Would you like to see it?]

[Ability: Animal Whisperer]

[Owner: Lea Ostrich]

[Level: 2]

[Function: All animals within your reach will be placed under your mercy. You can command them to do your bidding.] 

[Remarks: Due to low levels, the maximum distance covered is restricted to 500 square meters. Continue to level up.]

Animal whisperer? All animals? Somehow, Lucien found this ability useful. Will it work on demon beasts too? He badly wanted to see that.

[Ability: Light Manipulation.]

[Owner: Eddie Morphez.]

[Level: 2]