Deal with it

The atmosphere in the whole room dramatically lowered. Each of their faces scrunched up when they heard that name.

"He's back?"

"What's going on?"

"Didn't he transcend to the eighty fifth floor? Why is he back in fiftieth?"

"Was he punished by the Blood Tower?"

"Woah, banishment?"

"Damn, that's sick. He's the only player who managed to climb into the demon realm's upper floors. Another step and he should have set foot in the realm of the Ancient Demons."

"Why was he sent back down?"

Someone snickered. "Isn't it obvious? He goes around destroying every instance game and floor trials like he owned the place. That guy will stop at nothing and nobody is capable of stopping him. Maybe now the Blood Tower finally had enough of his madness and took actions against him."

"Ha! You think so? For five years, that guy went rampage and the Blood Tower nor the Ancient Demons did not bat an eye, what make it different this time?"