Haven City

It was Langris who spoke but what Lucien hear is the woman's voice who've been giving instructions since he entered this room. 

Lucien did not notice the room had been changed. The bed was gone, the chaos that resulted to him fighting and grappling the small black hands that extended from the ghost girl's body has disappeared as well.

He was alone, sitting in the room with a bottled water and a snack bar in his side. Lucien opened the snack bar and stuffed everything inside his mouth. He was as quiet and still as the night. Even while eating, he did not say anything. 

Lucien tap on his wristwatch and saw the number of his gold coins had gone down from one hundred to ninety. 

He can't remember how many coins he used but he was sure it did not reach ten. Did the black mark and the crescent blade took more gold coins?