The white rose

"There was still no news about free food and lodging?"

Lucien's shameless question surprised Langris.

Is this kid homeless? Langris's expression softened as he recalled how sharp Lucien's fighting instinct could be and how he lived poorly due to the lack of basic needs.

Then Langris vaguely remembered Lucien's profile. He's not only a newbie to the Player's Association; he's also a newcomer to the Blood Tower.

Still a fresh one, but were able to defeat a ghost at that level?

Langris can't help but be awed.

"For now, nothing. If you want, I can treat you to dinner?"

Lucien stopped walking and looked straight at Langris.

"Association's treat?" Langris waved the terminal at his wrist and flipped it counterclockwise.

Lucien nodded with a serious expression. "Okay."