Mad killing

Lucien was at a loss for what to do with the rose. In front of the two men he had just met, he dropped the white rose on the desk table right beside the cabinet and asked.

"Should we go?"

"Of course." The three of them went down the stairs. In front is Langris, followed by the man with glasses, and the last person to come down is Lucien.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself to you yet." The man with glasses turned around and held out his hand to Lucien.

"My name is Dan. You and Langris will be working under me. Langris here is not that much exposed to field work and is used to being coped up in the office piling files and records."

"For now, we are currently short of manpower, so we will dispatch the next available agent to missions. It could be said that Langris is also a newbie in this regard, like you." Dan explained.

"Why don't we take our breakfast first and discuss things over?"