

[This unimportant character will be killed right after this group of men find the Emperor's tomb.]

[Do your best to survive and complete your task in sixty minutes.]


Lucien let out a low sarcastic laugh. 

"Hey, talking coin. What is this computer pop up messages talking about? I know I'm dead but what the fuck? Am I inside an internet game right now?"

[Yes, you are. It's a game in the afterlife.]

Lucien scoffed. "The fuck? Is this one of those games where people will fight for survival and if they lose, they die kind of thing?"


"But I'm already dead, can I die again?"

 The Wild King's barely holding it in. He's tempted to ask 'Wanna try dying again?' but he knows that other Master will be angry.

He was entrusted with protecting this original Master of his. But he did not know this one can be so annoying.

[Master, you only have sixty minutes please use the time wisely.]