Raging Mountain (7)

The eight people looked at each other. Each of them could tell this is a once in a lifetime chance that can save their lives tonight.

They are extremely tired, hungry and badly need water to quench their thirst and medicine to tend their wounds. 

With their current condition, there's no way they can survive the night in the forest.

Reluctantly, the five people agreed. All of them are men in mid twenties. They just created their group on a whim after being trapped inside that unknown cave with monsters.

They have trust in each other because of many near death experiences they encountered. And none of them abandon nor hesitate to save one another in times of grave danger.

They also have high combat skills. So even if they are injured and tired, they can still take on these ordinary looking villagers.

The three people that followed them consisted of one woman and two men. These three have also gone through thick and thin just to be here.