Raging Mountain (8)

The group of people who listened in were looking at each other.

The woman ask if there's anything else they need and they answered no. So she stood up and bowed politely to them.

"Please have a good rest." Then she turned her back.

But before she go out, she glanced at them.

"Tomorrow, we will go to our temple to pray to our mountain goddess. If you don't mind, please join us."

"She led you to our village and saved you from the dangers outside, so please pray together with us to thank her for her kindness."

They reluctantly nodded. The woman smiled in relief and went out, closing the door behind her.

There are a total of six rooms on the second floor. Five are for them to sleep in, the sixth one is twice as large because this is where the bathtubs are kept. 

They each took turns taking a bath. Since all eight of them are gathered inside the room, the woman earlier served the food and delivered the medicine in this room as well.