Raging Mountain (10)

But no one appeared in the scene. This greatly baffled him so he waited patiently. 

And he also saw it as well.

The moment those eight people arrived at the gate, fifty people suddenly appeared. 

The houses surrounding them had changed their look as well. From the gloomy and desolate look, it reverted to when they were still in good condition.

The houses looked polished and well taken care of. This change wasn't obvious because it's currently nighttime and only small lamps and torches illuminate the surrounding. 

Honestly, he would have brushed it off if it weren't for the run down house he burned down because of the wild boar. 

That house had its front part utterly damaged. But when he looks at it again, it's as if the time was reversed. 

The house has retained its structure and it looks much better than before.

As if people are living in it, unlike earlier.