Raging Mountain (14)

"Have you forgotten? If the lady find out that there was a slight possibility that those two humans reached the village but did not cross over to this world at dusk, we're all doomed!"

"She will vent her anger at us and we will not have a choice but to suffer the consequences!" She glared at each one of her comrades to strike fear. And it seemed to have worked.

"I have experienced the Lady's punishment and even as a ghost, I was not able to recover for a month! It took my whole limbs a month to be repaired."

"Aren't we, as ghosts heal almost immediately? It's almost impossible for our limbs to come off and not repair itself. But it was the Lady who injured me. And her powers were so strong I even doubted whether she will erased my existence right there and then!"

The exaggeration of her words caused the others to tremble in fear. They bit their lips and held the hem of their clothes. Just to stop their fingers from shaking.