Raging Mountain (15)

"So what should we do?" Leon asked. 

He himself knew he was not good at strategies. He only acted based on his instincts. He survived because he had the strength, not brains.

He only met Lucien tonight and he observed this guy is smart. 

Besides, Leon has a good feeling for him. Like they have met before, even though he can't remember Lucien.

At his question, Lucien fell silent. He gazed silently at the world outside. 

There are rough sounds of something being scraped against the ground. A hundred meters away, there is a huge worm wiggling around the forest. One of them went near the inn where the eight players were and stayed guard there. 

But majority of them are in the temple, guarding the child inside. 

"It's best to wait." Lucien finally decided. 

"The inn woman earlier said that this world was separated. So, this means that there are two worlds that co exist and the only way to cross over is when the sun set or rises."