Marry you

"And I will..." said Wura carefully, she had already made a decision, this was what would be best for her and her family.

"I will marry you your highness" said Wura as she sighed.

"Wura!!" called Lawrence as he looked at Wura in shock, what did she just say?? that she would marry the Prince?? did she now say before that she did not want to marry him??

"Father" said Wura as she looked at Lawrence, Lawrence could see in her eyes that she meant that she knew what she was doing.

"Is there a problem?" asked Liam as he looked at Lawrence and then he looked at Wura, there seemed to be a misunderstanding between them both, and he did not want that.

He did not want any misunderstandings, if he was going to marry Wura, he was going to do it the right away, after all she was a very interesting maiden.

"No your highness, there is no problem" answered Wura as she looked at Liam.

"Duke Scot, what are your thoughts on this matter?" asked Liam as he turned to look at Lawrence.

Lawrence looked at Ireti, and then he turned to look at Wura, he knew that something was going on, Wura would not just agree to marry the Prince anyhow, which meant that Ireti had said something to her that made her to take such a drastic decision.

But now was not the place neither the time to iron things out, he would have to do that later.

"Well your highness, I only want the best for my daughter, and If she agrees to marry you, then that is her choice, and I will fully support in her anything she does" said Lawrence as he looked at Liam.

Wura looked at her father, she was sure that she had disappointed him, and yet there he was still supporting her regardless.

"And you Duchess Scot, what do you think?" asked Liam.

"Well as my husband has said, we only want the best for our daughter" said Ireti, although she was not happy at all, she had expected Wura to stand up for herself and break off the engagement, but to her dismay she did something the total opposite of what she had expected.

"Well alright then" said Liam.

"I am delighted with this good tidings" said Liam as he smiled.

"The official preparations for the wedding will commence shortly" said Liam.

"Wait, wait, good heavens, the wedding??" asked Wura to herself as she was shocked, was this Prince not moving too fast? the had only just gotten engaged and yet here he was already talking about the wedding.

"I am glad to hear that your Highness" said Ireti as she smiled.

"Well then today was a nice meeting" said Liam as he stood up and smiled.

"Thank you Duke and Duchess Scot for accepting me into your home" said Liam, but his words had a double meaning.

"It is a pleasure your Majesty" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"I will be taking my leave now" said Liam.

"Wura, why do you not see off our visitor" said Ireti as she looked at Wura.

"Yes mother" said Wura as she bowed her head and she stood up to get her coat.

Liam looked at Wura and he smiled, she was not officially his, it was just the wedding that was left.

"I wish you a safe ride home Your Highness" said Ireti.

"Thank you Duchess Scot" said Liam as he smiled and he left with Wura behind him.

"What was that I was hearing??" asked Lawrence as he looked at Ireti.

"What did you tell Wura that made her change her mind?" asked Lawrence.

Lawrence had been trying to understand Ireti's language for some while now, because the mother daughter pair had a secret language that they could communicate in, and it made him feel left out sometimes.

"I only told her to stand up for herself" said Ireti.

"She cannot keep on hiding behind us Lawrence, and much more less behind you" said Ireti.

"She is eighteen, she is already a woman, and she has to learn to speak up for herself, we cannot always be there to help her" said Ireti.

Lawrence did not say anything he just looked at Ireti, she was right, as much as he wanted to protect Wura, he could not, she would eventually go out on her own, and he would not always be there for her.

"Why are you always right?" asked Lawrence as he sighed.

"Because I am never wrong" said Ireti as she smiled.


"So Lady Diwura, when would you like the wedding to hold?" asked Liam as he and Wura were now walking outside, he had tied his horse outside Wura's home.

"Do we have to rush a wedding preparations, your highness?" asked Wura as she kept her eyes down.

"Of course not, that is why I am asking for your opinion on the matter" said Liam.

"Ahh then, in that case the wedding can hold in a fortnight, your highness" said Wura.

"Well alright then" said Liam.

"I do not want people to think that I am marrying you because you are the prince" said Wura as she believed that a hasty wedding would lead people in the kingdom to think poorly of her.

"I see" said Liam.

"So tell me, why are you marrying me?" asked Liam very carefully.

"Well because your highness I want to show you that not all women are the same" said Wura confidently.

"I see" said Liam as he was amused by her answer, he could clearly see that she was hesitant about this, and yet her pride would not let her admit it.

"And please call me Liam" said Liam as he stopped to look at her.

"We are not on a first name basis your highness" replied Wura curtly.

Liam smiled this was the Wura he knew, the maiden that would stand up to him.

"Alright, that is perfectly fine, Lady Diwura" said Liam as he smiled.

"What is the matter with this Prince?? why is he smiling like that??" asked Wura to herself as she was taken aback with his smile, it was just so bright and lively, very different from his evil womanizing personality.

"Until we are on a first name basis, I will respect your wishes Lady Diwura" said Liam as he smiled at her.

"I will be going now Lady Diwura," said Liam as he mounted his horse.

"Until we meet again" he said.

"And that is very soon" said Liam as he winked at her and his horse galloped away, there was no way that he was going to let his betrothed be taken away from him.

Wura just stood there in shock, how could such an evil man be so charming?