So help me

"Please say after me your highness" said Father Mathias as he smiled.

"I please state your title and full names My Prince" said Father Mathias.

"I Prince Liam Alaric Nigel Phillip Wyverdale" said Liam as he spoke confidently.

"Do herby solemnly swear" said Father Mathias.

"Do hereby solemnly swear" said Liam as he repeated after Father Mathias.

"To honour God" said Father Mathias.

"To honour God" said Liam.

"And to honour my people" said Father Mathias.

"And to honour my people" said Liam.

"And to cherish them" said Father Mathias.

"And to cherish them" said Liam.

"I shall pledge my loyalty and my love to my people and no one else" said Father Mathias.

"I shall pledge my loyalty and my love to be people and no one else" said Liam.

"I shall lead them in the way of the Lord, to be a glorious people, those who honour and fear God, I shall be a great King, to lead them in the right way and make our Kingdom a fair one" said Father Mathias.

"I shall lead them in the way of the Lord, to be a glorious people, those who honour and fear God, I shall be a great King, to lead them in the right way and make our Kingdom a fair one" said Liam as he repeated.

"I shall be a righteous and fair ruler" said Father Mathias.

"I shall be a righteous and fair ruler" said Liam.

"I shall judge rightly, and not waver in the good way of my Father King Alaric" said Father Mathias.

"I shall judge rightly, and not waver in the good way of my Father King Alaric" said Liam.

"I shall try my best to be free, fair and virtuous" said Father Mathias.

"I shall try my best to be free, fair and virtuous" said Liam.

"So help me God" said Father Mathias.

"So help me God" said Liam as he repeated after Father Mathias and Liam removed his hand from the scroll as Father Mathias moved turned to look at Wura.

"My princess, please place your hand on the scroll" said Father Mathias and Wura did as she was told as she placed her right hand on the scroll.

"Please say after me my princess" said Father Mathias.

"I, please state all your titles my princess" said Father Mathias.

"I Princess Diwura Lily Scot" said Wura as she did as she was told.

"Do hereby solemnly swear" said Father Mathias.

"Do hereby solemnly swear" said Wura.

"To be a good Queen to the people" said Father Mathias.

"To…" said Wura as she hesitated, she had just realized the weight of all these words, they were not just words, but a promise, a great one, to serve the people… as Queen.

Wura looked at Father Mathias as he smiled at her, she was delaying things, and there were many people watching, so she had to be strong.

"To be a good Queen to the people" said Wura as she went on.

"I promise to rule and support my husband wholeheartedly" said Father Mathias.

"I promise to rule and support my husband wholeheartedly" said Wura as she repeated after him.

"I will judge wisely and fairly" said Father Mathias.

"I will judge wisely and fairly" said Wura.

"So God help me" said Father Mathias.

"So God help me" said Wura as she really needed his help, or else, she was sure that she would fall greatly and make a fool out of herself.

Father Mathias smiled as Wura slowly removed her hand from the scroll, and he turned behind him as he picked up a shiny sword that was on a red pillow and he turned back to face Liam and Wura.

"Please bow your head" said Father Mathias as Liam did as he was told and he bowed his head.

"In the name of the Father" said Father Mathias as he used the flat side of the sword to tap Liam's right shoulder.

"In the name of the Son" said Father Mathias as he tapped Liam's left shoulder.

"And in the name of the Holy Ghost" said Father Mathias as he tapped the flat side of the sword lightly on Liam's head.

"Amen" said Father Mathias as a little boy walked to the altar with a shiny, golden crown on a little red pillow.

The Crown had nine points, and it was adorned with beautiful red, green and blue rubies.

Father Mathias smiled as he removed the crown gently from the pillow and he turned to face Liam who still had his head bowed as he moved closer and he placed the crown on Liam's head as Liam raised his head to look at Father Mathias.

"Pleas bow your head my Princess" said Father Mathias as he turned to look at Wura as she did as she was told and she bowed her head.

"In the name of the Father" said Father Mathias as he used the flat edge of the sword to tap Wura's shoulder.

"In the name of the son" said Father Mathias as he tapped the left side of Wura's shoulder with the sword.

"And in the name of the Holy Ghost" said Father Mathias as he tapped her head lightly with the sword as he placed the sword back down on the pillow, and he turned to look at a little girl who had brought the Princess's crown.

It was pure gold and shining, it had twenty peaks, each with a little diamond on the peaks.

Father Mathias took the crown from the pillow as he smiled at the little girl and he turned to look at Wura as he gently placed the crown on Wura's head and she raised her head.

"I hereby pronounce you King and Queen" said Father Mathias as he smiled and the people clapped and cheered as Liam helped Wura up and they both turned to face the crowd as all the people had smiles on their faces, but that was not so for Liam and Wura, they both each had different things on their minds.

The Full moon was out and the stars followed after it, it would usually be a cold night, but that was not so tonight, it was rather warm, and all the people were gathered around, thousands of them in the middle of the Capital.

They were here to listen to the first official speech of their new King… King Liam of Wyverdale the first, there were mixed feelings, some of hope, despair, sadness, but mostly happiness because a new reign had begun.

Liam and Wura were sitting down on their thrones as all the people had gathered, Wura was lost in her thoughts when suddenly the trumpets blew and they snapped her out of her thoughts as Liam stood up and she did the same as she followed behind him and she stood a distance behind him as he climbed unto a platform that had been built specially for this speech.

"Great people of Wyverdale" said Liam as the trumpets stopped and everyone was looking at him as they were earnest for what he would say.

"I King Liam Alaric Nigel Phillp Wyverdale the first" said Liam.

"Promise to be a good king" said Liam with passion and confidence.

"My Father was a great king" said Liam.

"And I promise to be an even greater King" said Liam.

"My Father was a kind King" said Liam.

"And I promise to be even Kinder" said Liam.

"My Father was a wise King, and I promise to be wiser" said Liam.

"My Father made your loads lighter" said Liam.

"And I shall make them even more light" said Liam.

"There was Peace during the reign of my Father" said Liam.

"And peace shall abound in my reign as well" said Liam.

"There will always be Joy in the Kingdom, and no sadness shall be known" said Liam.

"Weather in spring, or in summer, in winter or in Autumn, my dedication will always be to my people, my loyal people who stay devoted to me and I to them" said Liam.

"As I stand here before you and before God, I promise to always have the heart of my people in mind at all times" said Liam with confidence.

"And I promise to do my best, to grant you a peaceful reign, a reign of change, and a reign of recovery" said Liam.

"Thank you all" said Liam as in that moment as soon as he finished with his speech, the people burst into cheers as they clapped and they chanted.

"God Save the King, God Save the King, God Save the King" said the People as they cheered and their voices merged together as they all chanted the same thing and Liam smiled, he smiled at his people, who he had promised not to fail, and he would not.

Wura looked at Liam, it was right now at this moment that she realized that things between she and Liam would change drastically.