Let them down

"Dawn, I am sorry to disturb you, but I have a question" said Nora as she walked into the room where Dawn was talking to some other maids as she finished speaking to the maids as they walked away and they did as they were told as Dawn turned to look at Nora.

"That is fine Nora, what is it?" asked Dawn as she smiled and she turned to look at Nora, today had bene such a busy day, there had been very important changes in the Castle today, and seeing as she was the one in Lady Marli's position, she had to make sure that everything was in order, she could not even attend the coronation, seeing as everything had to be settled here first, there were big changes that were happening now.

Dawn was sure that Lady Marli would soon return, as everything was beginning to change and Lady Marli would need to return so she could arrange the Castle accordingly.

"I was wondering if the Princess's room will be changed?? Seeing as she is no longer the Princess" said Nora as that was what she had on her mind, it was the truth, Wura was now the Queen and no longer the princess.

"Well No Nora, no change of that sort will happen" said Dawn as she shook her head.

Usually in Wyverdale tradition when a new King came into power, he would move into the King's Quarters, and his Queen would move to the Queen's Quarters which was right beside the King's quarters, but that would not be the case now.

"May I ask why?" asked Nora as she was confused.

"Well his Majesty has specifically requested that the King's Quarters be left alone and in the state that it was found" said Dawn as she explained.

"He said that he would remain in his quarters" said Dawn.

"And since his Majesty is not moving, then there is no need for the Princess to move as well" said Dawn as she explained.

"Ahh I see" said Nora as she nodded her head, now it all made much more sense, she felt relieved, she was not going to have to move all of Wura's belongings to the Queen's Quarters.

"Yes" said Dawn as she only obey instructions, it was understandable that his highness wanted to leave his Father's quarters the way it was, out of honour and respect for him.

"Well Nora, you should be going now, the Queen will be back soon" said Dawn as she smiled, she still had so much to do.

"Yes, alright, you are right Dawn" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"I will go now, I will see you later Dawn" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright" said Dawn as she smiled and Nora walked away.

Wura sighed, she was the only one in the carriage once again, Liam had stayed behind to settle some things and she was sent off first.

Wura did not want to remove the crown on her head since she did not want to destroy it, or make one of the diamonds on it fall, but it was just too uncomfortable, she was not used to a crown being on her head at all.

Wura kept on thinking, she had never seen Liam so serious, even when he had been cold towards her, but that was different, but now he looked very serious, even more serious than before, but she could not blame him, being the King was a huge responsibility, he had so many people counting on him, and he could not let them down at all.

Wura was just thinking on how her life would be right now, her family were not around now, her Aunt Tessa and her Uncle Richard had gone to visit her parents in the plains, and she was sure that they would not be able to return to the Capital soon.

"What have you gotten yourself into Wura?" asked Wura to herself as she sighed, it was now that it really dawned on her, things were not going to be the same as they were before, there were huge changes, major changes to her life right now, and she was not sure that she could handle it.

The way everything just happened in the blink of an eye, so fast that she did not even know if she was living in the current time right now.

Wura just did not know what was going to happen next, the uncertainty and turmoil just made her feel so helpless and confused.

Wura walked to her room, she was just so tired, she opened the door to her room as she sighed and she rested her back on the door and she walked to the dressing table as she looked at herself in the mirror and she carefully removed the crown from her head as she placed it on the dressing table.

She removed the pins that Nora had used to fasten her hair in a bun as she put the pins on the dressing table as well as she ruffled her hair and she removed the shoes on her feet as she put them in the lowest part of her closet as she walked straight to her bed and she sat on it.

Today was just too much… not only had they returned from Cornwalk, but they had returned to see his Majesty as he passed on into greater glory, and in the same day Liam was Coronated as he was immediately tasked with the responsibility of being King.

Wura was so deep in thought that she did not realize that Nora had walked into her room and she had stood in front of Wura as she did not want to disturb her.

"My Queen… are you alright?" asked Nora as she noticed that Wura was deep in thought.

"My Queen??" asked Nora as Wura did not reply to her.

"My Queen?" asked Nora once again as she carefully patted Wura on her left shoulder which seemed to do the trick as Wura snapped out of her thoughts.

"Ahh Nora" said Wura as she finally noticed that Nora was standing in front of her.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Nora once again as she could sense that Wura was not alright at all.

"Ahh yes… I am alright Nora" said Wura as she forced a smile, what could she say?? She was not alright, but what could she do? She just had to try to bear with it.

"My Queen are you sure?" asked Nora out of concern.

"Ahh yes I am Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"Alright my Queen, if you say so" said Nora and Wura smiled.

"My Queen, would you want me to assist you in removing your gown?" asked Nora.

"Ahh yes, please do Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she had almost forget to take off her gown, she could not believe that she was about to sleep with it on, that would have been very uncomfortable.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and Wura stood up as Nora helped her remove her gown.

"My Queen, would you like me to prepare you a bath?" asked Nora as she smiled as she noticed that Wura did not look too good, she looked tired.

"No Nora, that will not be necessary" said Wura as she shook her head, all she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep, she was just so tried, mentally and physically.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she held the gown in her hand as she walked to Wura's closet as she took out Wura's white nightgown and she handed it to Wura as Wura wore her nightgown.

"Nora, I am tired now, thank you for helping me" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she turned to look at Wura and she smiled.

"Goodnight my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Goodnight Nora" said Wura as she smiled and Nora walked out of her room as Wura climbed into bed and she stared at the celling, things were changing, and she did not know if it was for better or for worse.

"Your Majesty… please rest in peace" said Wura as she sighed, it still hurt her, the way Alaric had gone.

"How did it go?" asked Zuph as he turned to look at Mero.

"Good" said Mero as he was the one who had attended the coronation while the others stayed behind to make sure to guard Liam at all costs, just in case.

"And how is Liam?" asked Zechariah as Mero turned to look at him.

"He is… well he is very strong, he will be alright" said Mero as he sighed.

"I hope that he will be" said Luc.

"And where is he now?" asked Elihu as he spoke up.

"He went to the sepulchre of the Kings" said Mero as he sighed.