Gets hurt

"My lady, I think that is enough for today" said Mero as Wura frowned at him.

"What no? you did not even teach me how to attack, all we did was defend, and not even in good way" said Wura as she refused, and Mero just looked at her.

"My lady, we will need to leave soon, we can continue tomorrow" said Mero.

"Oh you better Mero, because I am not taking this at all" said Wura as she scoffed and Mero just looked at him as he sighed internally.

As she walked away to where Liam was as Liam chuckled.

"What is so funny?" asked Wura as she looked at Liam.

"You" replied Liam as Wura scoffed at him.

"Why are you so determined to learn how to use a sword?" asked Liam.

"I do not want to be defenceless" said Wura.

"But you are not defenceless" said Liam.

"Easy for you to say" said Wura as she scoffed at him and Liam just smiled at her as Mero watched them.

"How about we spar?" asked Liam.

"You want to?" asked Mero.

"Why not" said Liam as he smiled, he was bored, and he felt like testing just how good his sword skills were, he was curious.

"Alright then" said Mero as he nodded his head, he saw nothing wrong with this.

"Wait, wait, no, what if you get hurt" said Wura as she turned to look at Liam and then at Mero as Liam laughed.

"I will be fine Lily, we are not actually fighting, we are just sparring" said Liam as he looked at Wura as she shook her head and Liam walked away.

"No, no" said Wura as she shook her head, she did not want Liam getting hurt at all.

Wura walked to Mero quickly as she whispered in his ear.

"Mero, I do not want you to spar with him, what if he gets hurt, what will we do then?" asked Wura as she sounded worried and Mero did not want to laugh.

"My Queen, you worry too much, it is only a simple spar, we are not actually fighting each other" said Mero.

"Liam is very good with a sword, if there is anyone that you should be worried about, it should be me, because Liam always won against me" said Mero as that did not make Wura feel any better at all.

"I do not care, this is dangerous either way" said Wura as she replied, she had never seen Liam fight at all, and she did not want to, she did not want him to get hurt at all.

"My Queen, you have to think about this in a logical way, what if Liam sparring with me jogs his memory?" asked Mero as Wura looked at him in confusion.

"You think so?" asked Wura as she paused to consider it, what if Mero was right, what if by sparring Liam remembered who he was? If that happened, then she would have been so grateful.

"Yes my Queen, it might be possible" said Mero as Liam walked back to them with Mero's sword in his hand as he waited for them both to stop talking.

"Alright fine Mero, but do not hurt him, if you do, I will not forgive you at all" said Wura.

"He will be fine my Queen" said Mero as he assured Wura and she just scoffed at him as she walked to Liam.

"Do not hurt Mero, you both should not hurt one another, because if you do, we have nothing here to help you" said Wura as she warned them both.

"We will be fine Lily, you worry too much" said Liam as he laughed and Wura scoffed at him, of course she worried, they were in the middle of nowhere, if they wounded each other, how would they treat their wounds? And Wura did not like the thought of seeing blood, she had never been to war before, but she knew just how dangerous it was and how dire getting wounded was.

"Of course I worry, even though the both of you don't seem to understand why" said Wura as she walked away from Liam and Liam walked to Mero as Wura stood nearby as she watched.

"As my lady said, I will not hurt you" said Mero.

"I know you will not" said Liam as he smiled and Mero nodded as they both seemed locked in game of the mind of who would make the first move.

Mero sighed internally, he knew that Liam would never make the first move, he never did, especially when they were sparring together, which meant that he had to take the initiative and launch the attack, which he did.

Mero lunged forward as he brought his sword in front of him to Liam's neck as Liam swiftly blocked it with his own blade.

"That was too dangerous Mero, do you want to take his head off or what?" asked Wura from the side lines as both Liam and Mero did not reply to her at all, they both kept on looking at each other.

Liam did not know why, but it felt like he had done this many times, many times before, it felt so familiar, and yet strange, his hands moved on their own accord once again, and he seemed to know just what to do.

Liam moved his sword away from Mero's as he aimed for Mero's own neck as Mero blocked it.

"Are you both seriously trying to cut each other's neck's off or what?" asked Wura as she did not like this one bit, yes she knew that Mero said that they used to spar all the time, but if this was how they usually sparred, then she was extremely concerned, it looked like they were really trying to harm each other.

Mero and Liam moved back and forth as their blades clashed, they both were not going easy on each other, and that was very clear, Liam and Mero both maintained eye contact.

Mero could see the fire in Liam's eyes, the usual fire he had when they usually sparred, he knew that Liam was in there somewhere, he just needed to give him a little push, so he could come out.

Mero started to fight more aggressively as Liam picked up the pace and Mero knocked Liam's sword out of his hand as Liam did not expect that as he was caught off guard and he looked at Mero as his sword was a distance away as Mero looked like he was about to stab him.

"Stop!" said Wura as she ran in the middle of the both of them and Mero retracted his sword, as he sighed in relief that he did not accidentally hit Wura.

"Just stop" said Wura as she had seen enough, was Mero crazy or what? He was too intense, he looked like he was going to kill Liam right at that moment.

"Mero, are you insane, you were about to…" said Wura as she was cut off.

"My lady, I was not about to do what you are thinking, we were about to end" said Mero.

"Oh end indeed, you both should have stopped this as soon as Liam's sword got knocked out of his hand" said Wura as she scoffed.

"And you" said Wura as she turned to look at Liam.

"Do you want to get killed? You should have told Mero to stop, you both were fighting too aggressively" said Wura as she could not believe this and Liam just looked at her as he smiled apologetically, he did not know what happened, he was just caught in the moment, that he forgot that they were practicing with real swords.

"Oh you better be sorry, I warned you both before this all started, imagine if I did not intervein, you would either be wounded or worse" said Wura as she sighed, the sun had already rose.

"You know what, we have to go now, go wake up the others" said Wura as she sighed and Liam did as he was told, he did not know why he was being treated like a little child, and why he listened, he picked up his sword and he walked away.

"And you Mero, are you serious? You do not want him to remember, you want him to get hurt" said Wura as she glared at Mero, she did not know about him, but she preferred her husband in one piece thank you very much.

"I apologize my Queen, I was lost in the moment" said Mero.

"Then do not be lost in the moment again, I would rather take Liam being unable to remember me, than him being hurt any day" said Wura.

"I apologize once again my Queen" said Mero as he bowed his head.

"It is fine Mero, because Liam is as much to blame as you, you both are insane together, no wonder you are his right hand man" said Wura.

"But for my sake Mero, I beg you, do not be insane with him anymore, or at least until he remembers us" said Wura.

"I understand my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head and Wura sighed in relief as she shook her head, these two were dangerous together, they were irresponsible.