Care to share

Elihu smiled in satisfaction after eating the steamed meat that Darla bought for him, he had not eaten properly since for two days now.

He could tell you that now he truly missed Nora, if anything she could cook, she was the best cook that he knew, he knew that he was against her coming with them before, but one thing Nora always made sure to keep them fed, she always made delicious food for them, he was starting to miss her, more specifically her food.

Elihu looked at Darla who had finished eating her own food as she saw him looking at her and she scoffed.

Elihu wondered why Darla behaved like she was heartless, which was not true at all, she actually considered that he was hungry as well, and he bought him food as she bought her own food.

"Thank you once again" said Elihu as he was sitting under the tree and Darla looked at him, he knew that she had heard him the first time, and yet she did not reply, so he was repeating it the second time, and he was raised to appreciate people.

"Woman, I said thank you, can you at least respond to me" said Elihu as he was getting fed up with Darla's attitude, he did not get her at all.

"And why do I have to respond to you? I am free to be quiet if I want to be quiet, and speak if I want to speak" replied Darla as she scoffed at him.

"I do not know why you always want to turn everything into a fight, I just thanked you for something good that you did for me, I do not know why you cannot just accept that" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"Me turn everything into a fight? No you are the one that is turning everything into a fight, is it by force to acknowledge your thanks? I can choose to ignore it" said Darla.

"Unbelievable" said Elihu as he could not believe what he was hearing right now, Darla had serious problems, both physically and emotionally, she just had problems in general, it was like she was angry with everyone and everything, and Elihu could not understand that at all.

"You are the one that is unbelievable, I even regret buying food for you, had I known that it would make you feel entitled to anything, I would not have bought anything for you at all" said Darla as she snapped at him.

"You know what Darla, you have serious problems, problems that you have to work out on your own, by yourself, because no one can stand you, especially if you keep on behaving like this, no one will appreciate you" said Elihu.

"Oh and you are one to talk, who are you to give me advice that I did not ask for? If anything, you are the one with serious problems" said Darla as he growled and Elihu just sighed as he stood up and he walked to his horse and he got on it.

By now he knew how Darla always continued their arguments, by repeatedly adding more fire and throwing back the insults, but he knew better, you would only encourage her if you allowed her to anger you, he was not about to exchange words with someone who could not see that they had problems.

"And just where do you think that you are going?" asked Darla in anger.

"I am continuing on the journey and going away from someone as pitiful a you" said Elihu as he replied and he rode away.

"Oh who do you think that you are hmm?? If anyone is pitiful It Is you, you stupid man, you idiot, you… you…." said Darla as Elihu was long gone and she could no longer think of good insulting names to call him.

"Ugh, so irritating" said Darla as she kicked the sand, she needed to hit something, anything, just to lash out this anger that she felt bubbling inside her.

"Darla, relax, and relax, we cannot destroy anything here… remember what happened the last time…" said Darla to herself as she closed her eyes and she took a deep breath and she tried to calm herself down.

After taking three deep breaths, she found her anger subside as she sighed.

"That stupid man thinks that he can just leave me here, not a chance" said Darla as she got on her horse and she quickly decided that she had to catch up to Elihu, before he got himself lost, and then she would be blamed for something that was not her fault again.

"Oh I am just so tired of this all, we should reach the first city and all these people, especially Lily can just disappear" said Darla as the more she thought about it, the less sense it made to her that somehow Lily was able to make up some stupid excuse to follow her and Liam to the first city.

"Lily, you think that you are so sly, but I am even more crafty than you can ever imagine, once I see Liam again, I will show you that he is mine and no one else's" said Darla to herself as she smiled internally, she would make sure to show Lily who was actually in charge here, so she would finally leave Liam alone for good, leave him alone to be with her.

Wura smiled as she was in the midst of her own thoughts, what happened recently between Liam and her, reminded her of all the times that she and Liam had acted silly together, she remembered when they were at the castle in Cornwalk and how they both ended up chasing after a little mouse, how they both could be so childish with one another, It just made her feel so happy.

"What are you thinking about that makes you smile so much?" asked Liam as he looked at Wura and he smiled.

"Good Memories" replied Wura with a smile.

"Care to share?" asked Liam.

"No" replied Wura.

"I do not want you to start behaving like an insane person again" said Wura as she laughed.

"Oh what an excuse that is Lily, you can just tell me that you do not want to tell me" said Liam as he laughed.

"Well I do not want to tell you, because they are personal memories, very personal memories" said Wura as she smiled.

"I understand Lily" said Liam as he smiled.

"Can I tell you something Lily?" asked Liam as he smiled and he rode his horse beside Wura.

"Sure, what is it?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"I do not know why I feel like I can just trust you, like I cannot hide anything from you" said Liam as Wura smiled, that was her Liam, always so honest, she missed him so much, and yet he was right here, in front of her, smiling at her, if she was to tell the truth, the first thing that caught her heart about him was always his smile, his lovely, wonderful, bright smile.

"Can I tell you something as well?" asked Wura as she smiled and Liam nodded.

"I feel the same as you do, I trust you a lot" said Wura as she smiled and Liam smiled at her.

"I do not know why, but I just feel something familiar between us" said Liam as Wura felt her heart skip a beat, was he starting to remember?? Or was she building up false hopes.

"Familiar like how?" asked Wura as she decided to push it further, maybe this was it, this was when he would remember her.

"I do not know for sure, or maybe I am just making up things, but I really like you a lot" said Liam as he smiled and Wura felt her heart break slightly, he still did not remember her, and she blamed herself for being so hopeful.

"I like you as well Liam" replied Wura as she smiled, she wondered if Liam ever thought about his fake wife, the one that he saw in his dreams, oh how much Wura wished that she could somehow enter his dreams and tell him shout to him that she was his wife, and she was right here, right here, right next to him, waiting for him to remember her so she could embrace him and kiss him.

"Can I confess something to you?" asked Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded her head.

"I have actually been unable to sleep for a long time now, and I do not know why, but when you and I were together, I was able to sleep well for the first time in a long while, I do not mean to say this to you to make you feel strange, but I just feel like I have to tell you this" said Liam.

"Oh… I see…" said Wura, well the truth was that of course she slept better when she was near him, he was her husband after all, and she wanted to be with him all the time, but she could not tell him that, she could not tell him that she knew how he felt because she felt the same as well.

"Yes, I apologize if I made you feel strange" said Liam.

"No, not at all, I do not find it strange, people find many things to try to help them fall asleep, I do not mind it if… *Ahem*, just know that I do not mind it at all" said Wura as she cleared her throat, she did not know what else to say.

"Thank you Lily, you are always so understanding" said Liam as he smiled.

"I am understanding to you, because you were first understanding to me" said Wura to herself as she smiled.

"But what do you think is the reason for you inability to sleep?" asked Wura.

"Well I do not know, I guess that every time I close my eyes, everything is a blur that I cannot remember, and when I do remember things, they are little visions of my wife, but other than that, I feel restless when I try to sleep" said Liam.

"Have you tried other methods to try to get some sleep?" asked Wura.

"Methods like what?" asked Liam.

"I do not know, maybe drinking warm milk, or closing your eyes and forcing yourself to fall asleep, or maybe even using a potion" said Wura.

"Well I would rather not try a potion to make me sleep" said Liam as Wura agreed with that, that was too risky, who knew what could happen to him if he drank some strange potion just like that.

"And I do try to force myself to go to sleep but it does not work, the only time that I am truly able to go to sleep without any problems at all is when you are with me, and I do not want it to sound like it is in an improper way" said Liam.

"No not at all, It does not sound improper at all, if I must confess something, I do find it easier to sleep while next to you" said Wura as now that she said it out loud, it sounded a bit too much, she felt so embarrassed but Liam only smiled at her, she guessed that it made her feel a bit better, but still, she could have never imagined her saying such words to anybody, or especially to Liam himself.

"I guess that we are sleep companions now are we?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"Sleep companions that sounds rather strange" said Wura as she laughed.

"I agree with you" said Liam as he laughed and Wura laughed as well.

"You know, I have not laughed like this in such a long time" said Liam as he smiled.

"Me too, honestly, I was sad, and depressed, so thank you for always making me smile and laugh" said Wura as she smiled at him.

"I should be the one thanking you" said Liam as he smiled and Wura realized just how dependant they both were on each other.

She knew that she could not live without him, and now she was starting to see that he too could not live without her, their souls would be forever bound together, right now, Wura did not regret marrying Liam, not at all.

On the contrary, she was happy that she was married to him, because he was already hers, and they could never be separated, never, not by worlds, not by memories, because they would always and forever be together, which gave Wura the hope that he would soon remember her, it was all just a matter of time, and that was time which she did not have at all.

But now that Wura thought about it, she wondered just who enchanted Liam, and just how they did that and why they did that, and why they were also giving him false visions about another woman, she was his real wife over here.

"Liam I have to tell you something…" said Wura as she took a pause, she felt like saying everything right here and right now, but when she saw Liam looked at her with a smile, she did not want to put him through confusion or anger, or at least not now.

"What is it Lily?" asked Liam with a smile.

"Oh do not mind me, it was something about the horses I think that they are tired" said Wura as she smiled and she lied.

"Oh I see, or would it be better to say that you are tired" said Liam as he laughed and Wura laughed.

"Very funny Liam" said Wura.

"But of course we can stop" said Liam as he stopped his horse and he got down and Wura stopped her horse as well and she was about to come down when her legs felt weak and tired from all the sitting and she almost fell down and she closed her eyes waiting to hit the ground, but the fall did not come as she opened her eyes and she saw that Liam had caught her.

"Wura are you alright?" asked Liam as Wura blinked her eyes repeatedly as she did not know if she had heard correctly.

"What" said Wura again.

"Lily, I asked if you were alright" said Liam as he was carrying her and Wura snapped out of her surprise, she had thought that he had called her Wura, but he actually called her Lily, so much for her high hopes once again.

"Ahh… I am alright, my legs are just tried from sitting too much, but I am fine" said Wura as she smiled.

"Are you sure, you look pale, as if you just heard some very bad news" said Liam as he removed stray strands of hair from Wura's face as she felt her face getting hot from his touch.

"No, I am alright Liam, thank you, can you put me down now" said Wura as she was in a rush to make him put her down that she accidentally stepped on his foot and she fell down to the ground as Liam fell on top of her, now this was even worse.

"I am sorry Liam" said Wura as she looked the other way.

"it is alright Lily, It was an accident, come on, let us stretch our legs" said Liam as he smiled and he got up as he helped Wura up and she nodded her head while trying to calm down her quickly racing heart.