The righteous

"Do you think that by now her Majesty would have somehow found a way to get Liam's memories back?" asked Zuph as he looked at Nora, they were both in the market while they walked past some people.

"If I was to be honest, I doubt so" said Nora.

"I do not mean to be negative but, I do not think that seven days alone is enough for my lady to make his Majesty remember her, and out of those seven days, we have already spent three, which means that there are four days of the journey remaining" said Nora.

"I do not want this to cause my lady unnecessary stress to try to make his Majesty remember everything, it just does not work like that, when Sir Mero said that they should go together, I was honestly worried that my lady would end up stressing herself while thinking of what to do to make his Majesty remember her" said Nora as she explained.

"You are right Nora, I never thought about it that way" said Zuph.

"Well yes, what is happening right now often stresses out my lady, and I do not want her to get stressed to the point that she breaks down because everyone has their hopes on her that she will somehow get his Majesty to recover his memories" said Nora.

"You are right" said Zuph.

"I feel that sometimes we expect too much from her Majesty that we forget that she is not God, but a human being just like the rest of us, she cries, she needs to eat, she needs to sleep, and she also needs assurance" said Nora as she sighed.

"To be honest Nora, I never knew that you had such good advice, you were always so quiet that one would think that you are scared of everyone and everything" said Zuph as he laughed and Nora laughed as well.

"Well I used to be, but my lady told me not to be scared of anything, because I am also a human being just like everyone else, and I have feelings, I should not belittle myself" said Nora as she smiled and Zuph smiled at her.

"Yes, I agree with you, her Majesty has to be the kindest woman that I have ever met, she considers others as well as herself, and she is very strong" said Zuph as he smiled and Nora smiled as she agreed with him, if there was anyone that she really admired in this world, it would be Wura, she was such a worthy person to be admired.

Coming first from marrying a man she did not love out of duty to the kingdom and her family, and then she had to deal with so many things, which made her unsure of her feelings for Liam, but once she finally acknowledged them, she and Liam were separated.

"Now come to think of it, I feel bad for Elihu, I am sure that he must be having a horrible time right now" said Zuph as he laughed.

"I feel for him as well, anyone that is forced to be with that wicked woman will seriously need some saving" said Nora as she sighed.

"You really do not like Darla now do you?" asked Zuph.

"I do not like wicked people, because as the saying goes, evil shall slay the wicked" said Nora as Zuph laughed, she was really vocal about her dislike, he never knew that she could be so plain and simple like that, if she did not like you, then she did not like you, it was as simple as that.

"Then what do you think happens to the righteous?" asked Zuph.

"It is very simple, if evil shall slay the wicked, then good shall follow the righteous" said Nora.

"Right you are" said Zuph as he nodded his head and he laughed.

"Zuph, Nora are you both done with buying everything that we need?" asked Dothan as he caught sight of Nora and Zuph walking and he ran to them.

"Yes, we are" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"And did you find what you were looking for?" asked Zuph as he smiled and Dothan nodded.

"Yes, I found it" said Dothan as he smiled.

"Come on, we should go now, before the night falls" said Dothan as he smiled while Nora and Zuph agreed with him.

Darla scoffed as she looked at Elihu who had refused to speak to her the entire time that they were riding, she just felt so bored, there was nothing do to, and no one else to talk to, they were passing by trees, and she could not talk to those, and the horses, well they could not talk.

Darla looked at Elihu briefly as he kept his eyes ahead of him.

"You are welcome" said Darla as Elihu looked at her.

"What did you say?" asked Elihu.

"You are welcome" said Darla as Elihu scoffed.

"Oh so now you can accept my thanks?" asked Elihu as he could not believe this.

"I do not know what you are talking about" said Darla as she feigned ignorance.

"Darla, just tell me what your problem is, because I do not understand you at all, and I know that you are not insane, why do you behave as if you are untrained?" asked Elihu.

"I know that you were the one who trained your brothers, and they are very good boys, which means that you have good values which you have instilled in them, then why do you behave like you have no manners at all?" asked Elihu as Darla could not believe what she had just heard right now.

"What did you just say?" asked Darla.

"You heard me Darla, I deserve an explanation, because honestly, I am tired of you and your attitude, and I know that you behave that way on purpose, so now, there are only the two of us here, so just tell the truth" said Elihu.

"What do you mean? I do not know what you mean" said Darla as Elihu scoffed.

"Darla, why do you act the way that you do? What happened to you?" asked Elihu as he was just tired, he did not want to argue anymore, he knew already that Darla was a difficult person to be with, but well, he was stuck with her, and he might as well learn to bear her.

If Elihu was blind, he was have still noticed how much hurt Darla hid behind her arrogant demeanour.

"Can you be quiet, I do not know what you are talking about Elihu" said Darla as Elihu just looked at her as he shook his head.

"Darla, I am asking you one more time" said Elihu.

"And I do not know what you are asking me about" said Darla.

"You know what, fine Darla, just fine, I do not have time for this" said Elihu as he sighed and he rode ahead as Darla sighed internally, who told him that he knew everything about her? He knew nothing, nothing at all about her.

"Who made you the all knowing and all seeing?" asked Darla to herself as she scoffed.

Wura could not help but feel happy that Liam could not sleep without her, it made her realize that even though he could not remember her, his soul could, why else would he feel comfort and relaxed when she was near, it made her feel better that some part of Liam soul knew that she was his and he was hers.

Wura looked up as the sun was setting, she did not know why, but to her it felt like time was moving very quickly, it made her feel sad, sad that all the time that she was spending with Liam would soon expired.

Wura sighed when she saw Liam walk towards her as he smiled at her and she smiled at him.

"I seriously do not know what is going on, there is always only one room left in the inns" said Liam as he laughed.

"Hmm, I do not know if I should believe you, maybe you are only lying to me that there is only one room" said Wura as she laughed.

"I do not know if I should feel offended that you think I can lie to you" said Liam as he laughed.

"But nevertheless if you still do not believe me, you can come and ask the innkeeper himself, he was the one who told me that the room I paid for was the last room, he told me that I was lucky" said Liam as he laughed.

"Hmm, alright, I believe you" said Wura as she laughed and Liam laughed at her as she followed after him.

Wura yawned, she was tired, and she did not know why she was tired, maybe from all her thinking, yes, she was sure that it was her thinking that was causing her to be so tired.

"You look tired Lily" said Liam as he looked at her and she yawned once more.

"That is because I am tired" said Wura as she yawned once more.

"Then you should go to bed" said Liam as Wura nodded.

"You are right" said Wura as she walked to the bed and she took the right side.

"Goodnight Lily" said Liam as he smiled and Wura just nodded at him as he smiled at her.

"Goodnight Liam" said Wura with another yawn as she closed her eyes, she did not know why she just felt so tired.

Liam smiled as he watched her sleep, he was sitting on the couch, trying to think of what he could try to do to make himself remember his memories, but he could think of nothing his mind was blank.

After he was tired of thinking, he decided to go to sleep, so he stood up and he walked to the left side of the bed as he laid on it and he closed his eyes and slept off.