
Darla sighed as she looked up into the star filled sky, she missed her brothers a lot, and she wondered if they missed her as well, this was the longest time that they had ever been all away from each other, they always stayed together no matter what.

Darla was sure that Dothan missed her, but she could not say the same about Malcom, he was still very angry with her, and he showed it very honestly, Darla sighed, she would have never thought of the day that her brothers would fight her for the sake of someone else.

It was not her fault that she could not stand Wura, she just could not stand her, she knew what she was trying to do, trying to turn everyone's trust away from Darla, and she hated it, worst of all was that she actually succeeded because now Malcom was against her.

Darla's mind was raging, she could not sleep, she kept on thinking and thinking, until her mind went to what Elihu said to her earlier today, she did not know why he thought that he knew her, and why he was so confident as well, she would prove to him and whatever he thought he knew about her was nothing but wrong and false.

But Darla did not know why Elihu's accusations bothered her so much? It was not like she cared what he thought about her, she did not care about what anyone thought about her, well except for what Liam and her brothers thought, but apart from that, Elihu's voice asking her why she likes to behave the way that she does kept on ringing in her years over and again and oh she hated it so much.

"*Ugh*, I hate you Elihu, you blasted man, see what you did" said Darla as she groaned in frustration and covered her ears.

She did not think of herself as a horrible person, not at all, she thought that she was someone who would do anything for her and her brothers to survive, and if that meant her being selfish, heartless and wicked to protect herself and her brothers, then she did not mind at all.

Darla sighed deeply as she still could not sleep, so she stood up and she walked to where her horse was sleeping as it was standing, and she caught sight of Elihu sitting on a big rock on the other side, she looked at him, and he saw her looking at him, but he pretended as if he did not see her, after her reply to his question earlier, Elihu wanted nothing at all to do with her.

Elihu kept on looking up at he stars as he really wished the human realm, he missed Wyverdale, the food over there, and even knight training, he honestly just wanted things to go back to the way that they were before, even though it seemed very tough for such to happen.

Darla walked back to where she was sleeping as she also did not want to talk to Elihu, less he ask her another question that would cause her to think deeply, she did not want that at all, the man talked too much, even more than those gossiping women.

Darla sighed as she closed her eyes and she attempted to go to sleep, they still had a long journey ahead of them tomorrow.

Wura groaned as she opened her eyes, she did not want to wake up, she wanted to sleep for longer, especially when she felt so warm and comfortable.

Wura opened her eyes wide when she thought about why she was so warm and comfortable, when she realized that she was holding onto something, or rather someone once again and she looked up to see Liam's sleeping face that made her smile.

She did not feel embarrassed or weird that she was holding onto him, no not at all, on the contrary, her holding onto him like this made her feel safe and secure, so much love, she loved him so much.

After all that they had said to each other yesterday, she realized that she had been overcomplicating everything, she was Liam's and Liam was hers and that was all that mattered, they were made for each other, they belonged to each other.

Wura nestled closer to Liam as she could smell his scent, she had always loved how he smelled, and his eyes, and his nose, and his lips, she loved everything about him, and yet she never told him directly.

"I love you too Liam, more than you will ever know" said Wura as she smiled and she gave Liam a small kiss on his cheek as she quietly got out of bed and she walked out of the room and as soon as she did, Liam opened his eyes as he touched where she had kissed him on his cheek.

He wondered if he had heard her right, she loved him too? He did not know what to think, many thoughts were racing through his mind, could it be that he was not the only one that started to have feelings for Wura, but she was also starting to develop the same feelings that he had for her as well.

If that was the case, then they were on the same page, which was wonderful, but also terrible, they were both married, and it would be wrong for them to have an affair while looking for their lost partners, Liam did not know what to think at all, but what he knew for sure was that the feelings that he had for Wura were true and genuine, he had never felt like the way he feels for her with anyone else.

He did not know whether to embrace his feelings for her to supress them, but one thing was for sure, and that was ha he did not want to hurt her, not at all.

Wura smiled as she walked back into the room, and she was surprised to see that Liam was already awake, she thought that he would have slept for longer, since he had told her that he found it hard to sleep.

"Oh you are awake" said Wura in surprise as Liam smiled at her.

"Good morning" said Wura as she smiled.

"Good morning Lily" said Liam as he smiled at her.

"I thought that you would sleep for longer, how do you feel?" asked Wura with a smile.

"Actually I have had enough rest, I am fine, and how do you feel?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"That is nice, I feel good as well, very good" said Wura as she smiled, she felt so relaxed after sleeping instead of feeling tired like she usually did.

"Where did you go?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Ahh well I had to go and wash my face" said Wura as she smiled.

"If you ask me, I do not think that you needed to wash your face, you always look beautiful" said Liam with a smile as Wura cleared her throat and she looked down as she could not stop smiling as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, he that she always looked beautiful, that made her heart flutter, she was sure that he did not realize what he was doing to her, when he spoke to her, smiled at her, touched her.

"You think that I always look beautiful?" asked Wura as Liam smiled at her.

"Of course I do" said Liam as he smiled.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled.

"You do not have to thank me for saying the truth" said Liam as he smiled and Wura cleared her throat again.

Wura decided that she must have looked stupid just standing here and blushing at his sweet words, so she looked up as she avoided eye contact with Liam and she walked to get her coat on the couch as she had left it there last night and as she stretched out her hand to get her coat Liam looked at her hand in surprise.

"Your rings, they are gone…" said Liam as Wura looked at her hand and at her finger as she looked at him.

"Ahh… no, they are not gone, I… I took them off" said Wura as she had done that a while ago, she did not think that Liam would notice at all.

"I see… why?" asked Liam as Wura looked at him, why? Well because she felt like she had to let them go for her to move on partially.

"Well I… I just decided that it was time for me to keep them away, for a little while" said Wura as she explained.

"I did not get rid of them though, no, not at all, I would never do that, they are right here, next to my heart" said Wura as she smiled and she brought out her pendant as she showed him her rings that she had kept on both sides of the heart.

"I see" said Liam as he smiled.

"Does that mean that you… *Ahem*, that you no longer think, or I mean feel for your husband?" asked Liam as he cleared his throat.

"Ahh No, no, not at all, my husband will always be in my heart and in my head at all times, I just… I just decided to remove my rings because I need a break, they are a reminder of things that are painful, and just because I removed them, it does not mean that I do not love my husband, far from it, he will always be with me, I just want to embrace the situation that I am in now" said Wura as she explained, she hoped that she was making sense, because she did not want Liam to think that she was giving up on him at all.

"I understand how you mean Lily, because I feel the same way that you do, deciding to focus on something, or someone else does not mean that you are giving up on them" said Liam as he smiled.

"Exactly, just like that, I feel like in situations such as these, it is better to live in the moment" said Wura as she smiled at him.

"I agree with you Lily, and that is what I like most about our relationship, we both understand each other" said Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded she agreed with him.

"And I feel like we have a connection, I do not know if you feel it as well?" asked Liam as he stood up and Wura nodded,

"I feel it, the same way that you do" said Wura as she smiled and she looked away as for some reason, she felt like Liam was getting to close to her.

"So we are both on the same page?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"I guess that we are" said Wura as she smiled and she resorted to looking at other things to try to get her mind off what she was feeling right now as she backed away slowly and she decided to grab her coat when she saw something black, big and hairy as she noticed what it was right away and she jumped back in shock as she screamed.

"Lily, what is wrong?" asked Liam as Wura looked at him in horror as she ran to him and she hugged him tightly as Liam was taken by surprise by her sudden action.

"Liam, Liam, there is a spider, a big hairy spider, you have to get rid of it kill it do anything, get it out of here, please, please" said Wura as she looked at him and she pleaded at him and Liam sighed in relief, he had thought that maybe it was something very serious that scared her like this, but it was just a ordinary spider, he could not help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Wura in confusion as she did not get what was so funny, she realized that Liam had made no attempt to move and get rid of the spider as she had asked him to, she could not do it herself, she was scared to death of those things and their hair eight legs, beings were only supposed to have two legs, or at least four, but eight, they were just too much.

"You are scared of spiders?" asked Liam as he laughed and Wura nodded her head at him as she looked at him with her big brown eyes as she let go of him and Liam walked to the couch as he saw the little spider, it was not that big.

"This spider?" asked Liam as he picked up the spider and he looked at Wura.

"Yes that spider, kill it, get rid of it" said Wura as she moved further away as Liam laughed, he never knew that she could be so scared of this little animal.

"Lily, you do not have to run away, it is harmless, see" said Liam as he smiled and Wura moved far away from him.

"No It is not harmless, it can bite you, get it away from me, very far away from me right now!" demanded Wura as Liam laughed as he walked closer to her with the spider and Wura kept on moving back until her back hit the wall, she had nowhere else to run to.

"Liam do not dare come any closer with that thing, get away" said Wura.

"And what if I come closer?" asked Liam as Wura shook her head.

"If you do, I will kick you, and squash that thing, take my horse and get very far away from here" replied Wura as she just felt like her skin was crawling as she looked at the quiet, still spider in Liam's hand.

Liam knew that she was not joking, she would do just that, and he did not want that to happen so he had to let go of the spider.

"Alright fine, I will get rid of the spider as you asked" said Liam as he laughed.

"Good go ahead then, and be quick before it lays eggs on your hand, or in my hair, or everywhere" said Wura as Liam laughed could she be anymore childish.

Liam just shook his head as he walked to the door and he was about to open it when he paused and he felt a tinge of pain in his head as he suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was supposed to remember something, as if what was happening right now had happened before.

Liam got a hold of himself as he shrugged off his thoughts and the pain subsided as he opened the door and he let the spider go as he closed the door.

"Have you gotten rid of it?" asked Wura as Liam turned to look at her and he smiled at her.

"I have" said Liam as he smiled and Wura looked at him.

"How can I be sure that you did?" asked Wura as Liam laughed.

"Why would I lie to you, do you not trust me?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"Well yes, I trust you…" said Wura as Liam walked closer to her and he touched the right side of her face as they both looked into each other's eyes.

"I would never do anything to hurt you Lily" said Liam as he smiled.

"Yes, I know you will not, I trust you" replied Wura.

"I never knew that you were scared of spiders?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"I am scared to death of them, they are horrible beings" said Wura as Liam caressed her cheek as they kept on looking at each other.

"Those poor creatures are not so horrible" said Liam as he laughed and Wura shook her head, she begged to differ.

"No, they are" said Wura as she felt like she could stare into his eyes for the whole day without getting tired at all and Liam felt the same.

Silence reigned between the both of them, as they were both thinking.

"Lily, can I… can I kiss you?" asked Liam as he needed to test something, he wanted to be sure.

Wura just smiled at him, of course he could kiss her, he did not need to ask, she felt like shouting out at the top of her lungs that yes, yes he could kiss her, because she was his wife, she was his, and he was hers, they were for each other.

Wura felt like crying, when she heard Liam ask if he could kiss her, it made her remember how Liam said that he would not touch her or kiss her, except she asked him to he always had so much respect for her.

"Yes… you can…. You can kiss me" said Wura as she smiled and she nodded as Liam smiled at her and Wura closed her eyes as Liam did the same and he kissed her.

Wura felt like she was melting from his kiss, everything was hot and she felt like she could not breathe as Liam stopped kissing her as she tried to catch her breath as Liam laughed at her as he saw her panting.

"Are you alright Lily?" asked Liam.

"Yes, I am… I just feel a bit light headed" said Wura as she panted.

"Have you never been kissed before?" asked Liam as Wura shook her head, she and Liam did kiss at their wedding, but she could not consider that a real kiss, and she had dreamt about him kissing her, but that was not real either, he only gave her occasionally kisses on the cheek, so this was their first kiss together, her first kiss.

"No" replied Wura softly.

"But you have a husband" said Liam as he could not believe it.

"Well yes… but we never… I mean… we were enjoying each other's company, we did not kiss" said Wura as she replied honestly and Liam could not help but smile, she was just so innocent.

"So was that your first kiss?" asked Liam as he smiled and she nodded.

"Did you… did you like it?" asked Liam as Wura felt embarrassed right now.

"Ye…s" said Wura as she nodded her head and Liam smiled at her, she could not believe that they were talking about this right now.

"It was… different… but a good kind of different" said Wura in embarrassment as Liam loved how honest she was being.

"I am glad that you liked it, and I love that you are honest with me" said Liam as he smiled and Wura cleared her throat.

"I think that we should be on our way now" said Wura as Liam smiled and he nodded.

"You are right" he said with a smile.