Chapter Sixteen

"Hey, Lauren," I heard him say as he took a seat beside me.

"Hey" she replied with a smile and I shot her with a what the fuck look.

Here it comes. "What changed your mind about the cafeteria?" he asked while I took a long gulp of the already chewed burger in my mouth.

"What do you mean? I love the cafeteria," I said, concentrating on my burger.

"I barely see you since you became the project manager. Is everything okay?" he asked, and Lauren let out a fake cough.

I pray she chokes on that cough.

"Yea, I'm good,"

"Oh hey, Liam," Lauren said, and then she picked her tray and walked over to where Liam and Jason were sitting.

"So, I heard you guys worked on a new product?" I asked to avoid him talking about Miles because I knew that was what he had in mind.

"Yea, actually it's not new."

"How? If I may ask,"

"We've been working on this product for years now; it's an anti-aging spray,"