Chapter Eighteen

I woke up this morning with a throbbing headache, trying to remember what happened last night. I stood up to look for aspirin to ease the headache; found one in my drawer and I popped the pill. Then I washed it down with a glass of water on my table. I sat down on my bed waiting for the headache to go away but it didn't so I decided to get an icepack downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I found someone lying down on my couch all covered with a blanket. This made me scream in fear and it startled whoever. I watched as they struggled with the blanket till they fell off the couch and landed on the floor with a loud thump.

"What was that for?" I heard a familiar voice ask through the blanket.

Miles? I rushed over and helped get the blanket off his face then I stood there arms crossed, waiting for him to explain why he was at my place this early.

"What?" he asked sitting up on the couch.