Chapter Nineteen

Miles' father returned from his trip to Los Angeles and found Miles asleep on the couch. Out of curiosity, he walked over to where his son lay down to know if he was sick or just tired. Miles woke up when he heard someone approaching. He looked up and saw his father staring at him like he was examining one of his lab rats for a test.

"You are back!" he said to his father, who had his focus on him.

"Work must have been exhausting; but don't worry, you'll get used to it. You should go up and freshen up," his father said.

Miles stood up and grabbed his coat which was on the couch, and made to go up to his room. Halfway up on the staircase, his father called out to him.

"What's this? You dropped something," he said.

Miles turned back and walked to where his father was standing to see what he was holding.

"Where did you get this from?" He asked, holding up a photo.

"That? It's Paige's. It fell off from her coat and I forgot to return it."