Chapter Twenty three

After a while, I saw Miles and the man he was with shaking hands. After that, they both stood up. Miles was leaving. Shit, I'm dead! The plan was to leave before him. I covered my face with the menu book when they passed by. 

I walked outside with my head bent immediately when I saw he was still talking to Miles through the window of his car. His whole body blocked the window at the passenger's side so Miles will probably not see me. I crossed over to where the taxi had been waiting for me.

"What took you so long? I have lost a lot of customers today. Honestly, I would have left a long time ago if you had paid me before walking into that restaurant," the driver said in anger, as I expected.

"Is there any shortcut to the hotel you picked me in?" I asked, without paying attention to his rants.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Pay me please and find another taxi because I have already lost a lot."