Chapter Twenty Two

The car came to a halt in front of a tall building, a hotel, to be precise. One of the men stepped out first and held out the door for us to come down. After we did, we walked into the hotel while the drivers packed the cars wherever.

When we walked in, I noticed everyone behaved very serious, it looked more like they were faking or something. Miles didn't even bother checking in. He just walked straight to the elevator, and I followed. The elevator stopped at the last floor.

We walked almost to the end of the passage before he stopped in front of a room, then he unlocked the door and walked in and I followed.

"Looks like you are a bit too familiar with this place," I said while sitting on the large king-size bed.

He chuckled then he said "I own this place"

Oh, no wonder they did not number the rooms on this floor. This was his floor.