Chapter Twenty One

Miles and I were to embark on the business trip today. Leah didn't support the idea as I expected. She said it was a way of going far from her so I can be all alone with Miles. The trip was just for two days so I don't even know why she was worked up about it, probably because she didn't support Miles and me being in a relationship.

I really couldn't take my mind off the girls that were being tortured in the company, and to think I was part of this made me cringe a lot. I had to find a way to relieve myself of this post. I couldn't just walk into the company on a random day and place my resignation letter, and the fact I had something to do with Miles made matters worse. I would have to sever the ties between us, and I didn't want any of that. There must be some way to get this work; since Miles hates his father and his mother's death had something to do with the company, he probably is aware of what is happening but doesn't know what to do.