Mafia princess 2.2

I wanted a simple life, but Miles wouldn't let me. He was angry I drove to work by myself, instead of asking any of the drivers. He claimed everything was fine, yet we were guarded heavily like we still belonged to some Mafia group. 

After work today, I had to leave my car in the office, because he wouldn't let me go home alone. I rode in his car with him, and we stopped by Cole's house to pick up Ophie. When the car stopped in their driveway, Miles got down and walked up to the front door. He pressed the bell, and in no time, Maureen opened the door carrying Ophelia in her arms.

As soon as Ophie saw Miles, she hopped into his arm and clung unto him tightly. I was a little bit jealous of the bond they shared, how can she prefer him to me. I mean I feed you everyday woman! And still you choose to treat me this way.