Mafia princess 2.3

Cole returned from work this weekend. He was on time for their all men weekend golf hangout. Almost every weekend Cole and Miles played golf together in the evening. On the other weekends we had family game nights. It was nice because that was basically the only fun I got. I had no friends except business associates. Miles insisted we kept a low profile, so we gotta keep one friend each. Cole to Miles, Maureen to me, and Finlay to Ophie.

Maureen came over to keep me company while the boys were gone. We had chit chats while our kids played together. Sometimes we joked that our kids would get married when they grew up. They looked cute together. Most times they were addressed as boyfriend and girlfriend, and Miles hated it. He was overprotective when it came to Ophie, but then he had to face the fact that one day his baby would grow up and find the love of her life. That isn't him.