Mafia princess 2.28

I was so relieved when we got to the ground floor, just a few steps to freedom. We went into the dark passage we came in through. When we got there, we started hearing a lot of people shouting outside, from what we heard it was all chaos and nothing fun. The FBI had arrived, and Hadley was probably on her ship about to sail away.

"Walk faster," Bryan said to us.

So, we increased our pace until we got to the end of the room. Pulling open the door which led to the cold room, I felt relieved, because we had a one way ticket to freedom. Nothing could go wrong, I thought. 

We made our way through the meat and to the back door which led to the garden or bushes, anyone would do. Lauren was the first person, so she pulled the door, but it wouldn't open.

"I think it's locked," she said.